Vincenzo: Episode 3

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Our eccentric corporate lawyer butts heads with her new boss as Wusang races to locate the missing researcher before he can implicate Babel and ruin their case. Meanwhile, when Babel makes it clear exactly how far they're willing to go to silence those who get in their way, our lead and his righteous lawyer friend have differing ideas about what this fight is worth.


CEO Park's people discover that the police are there on protection detail – one of the attendees is the Italian ambassador. Meanwhile, Cha-young pulls Vincenzo aside, wondering what his endgame is. He paid for this event himself and goes around in fancy designer suits, so what could he want with Geumga Plaza? Vincenzo claims he fell in love with place just because, but Cha-young denounces his romanticism and argues love always has a reason.

After hearing the ambassador is there, CEO Park calls the demolition off. Cha-young returns to Wusang where Attorney Han tells her off for not informing him about the run-away researcher. Cha-young doesn't take well to being criticized by Myung-hee, and Myung-hee isn't a fan of Cha-young's arrogance. They decide to give Cha-young a chance to fix this with the understanding she'll be fired if she fails.

Since Vincenzo arranged and paid for the event out of pocket, the tenants soften toward him, assuming he wouldn't have spent all that money if he weren't on their side. Chef Baek talks some nonsense about how he and Vincenzo connect because Italy, and the women gush over how handsome Vincenzo is.

At home, Vincenzo looks over the case files for Babel Pharmaceuticals and searches for a more permanent strategy for stopping the demolition. At Wusang, while Myung-hee does her aerobics in full view of the office, Cha-young gets Joon-woo to look up Vincenzo only to discover he's a legit lawyer without a criminal record.

Vincenzo once again tortures Chef Baek by making him cook for him and reacts to the result with his usual disgust. Although his douchey treatment of Chef Beak is a bit much, his complaints about the tomato being "quarantined" while the basil and cheese are "social distancing" are pretty amusing.

In the hall, a man bumps into Vincenzo's shoulder. "It's Vincenzo!" Team Leader Ahn shouts. He covers by saying they met at the party. Team Leader Ahn is anything but convincing as he contradicts himself when Vincenzo asks if it was the first time they met: " No. I mean, yes."

Vincenzo scrutinizes him before heading to Yoo-chan's office. As Vincenzo walks away, Team Leader Ahn basks in Vincenzo's wonderful smelling cologne, trying to waft it toward himself.

Team Leader Ahn then approaches Chef Baek and profusely praises his pizza from the event, getting emotional as he says it took him back to the boat harbor of Naples. With tears in his eyes, he does a hilarious goose-like imitation of the boat foghorns. Chef Baek is sufficiently buttered up and agrees to let him learn under him and even sleep at the restaurant.

At Jipuragi, Vincenzo informs Yoo-chan that the main ingredient in Babel's new drug is classified as a narcotic. Yoo-chan and Joo-sung are shocked since the expert testified it was merely a pain reliever, but Vincenzo argues that Babel deceived everyone – it's an opioid that will unwittingly cause addiction in its users. Yoo-chan is enraged and determined to stop Babel from getting this drug approved.

When Vincenzo takes a call and heads out, Team Leader Ahn spots him and follows. The heating pads Vincenzo ordered arrive, and he personally places them in the Temple and even offers to pay their electric bill. Team Leader Ahn can't believe the generosity of this Catholic mafioso who is taking such care of the monks.

Outside, Vincenzo spies Young-ho and his friends smoking. They try the teenage intimidation act, and when Vincenzo tells them to toss their cigarettes, the boys try to fight. Naturally, they're no match for Vincenzo and go running off, leaving Young-ho.

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