Vincenzo: Episode 14

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Hello Carrie scene at the opening, where gallons upon gallons of blood pours all over Jang Joon-woo, also known as Jang Han-seok, the evil leader of Babel. He is an upset little puppy glaring at Vincenzo and Cha-young who happily cheer from the audience.

Though he cannot do anything about it at the moment because he is quickly covered in towels and led away. In the hallway, the prosecutor team comes to take him to jail; however, Lawyer Choi is there to protect his rights and demands to see the evidence that he should be taken away.

Everyone is led to a conference room where Lawyer Han Seong-huk yells at everyone about what the mess is going on right now. There is a good amount of back and forth though Vincenzo and Cha-young have a key piece of evidence: the man who drove into the Union leader has confessed. He is scared that he will be killed in jail like the other truck driver.

It is looking like Jang Joon-woo is about to go to jail, but Jang Han-seo steps up and says that he is the one that did everything. He is the one that asked for the Union to be dissolved. Everyone looks at him thoroughly flabbergasted because no one knew he was about to do this. jang Joon-woo looks at him impressed.

However, no one goes to jail because the Head of all the prosecutors (the one that has been bought) comes in and basically tells everyone that no Babel person is going to jail today and finds someone else to blame all this on.

So now Vincenzo and Cha-young decide to attack the babel paper companies which are fake companies that exist on paper only and are only used for tax evasion. They get the gangsters in the tenant building to explain it all to them.

Now that the Union plan did not work, the prosecutors and Vincenzo discuss a new method. The prosecutor says that they need the guillotine file to take down Babel. The prosecutor explains that the guillotine file is Pandora's box for Babel.

Cut to the prosecutor meeting with the landlord. It turns out that the prosecutor already knows that Vincenzo has the guillotine file and is secretly working with the landlord to get it.

Jang Han-seo also has a meeting with Vincenzo. He wants Vincenzo to take down his brother, but Vincenzo does not agree because he does not like it when family members turn on each other. That means his family members can turn on him.

Meanwhile, Vincenzo uses the old team leader that he blackmailed way back in episode 2 or 3 to tell him about the paper company. This team leader is now a singer at bard living his best life. He tells Vincenzo that the paper company is an art gallery. This art gallery appears to be a real company, but it is used for tax evasion.

A big success that happened this episode is that the piano teacher Seo Mi-ri revealed that she is the computer hacker that put together the entire system in the building. She was working remotely so she was not killed when all the other people involved in putting the gold in the safe where killed. She can help Vincenzo and team get the gold out. This is a big score for Vincenzo.

Another big score is that the hacker can help them on their next mission. The mission is for Vincenzo and Cha-young to pretend to be a couple and go to the art gallery. They are impersonating a real couple that is in Korea for their anniversary. Not to worry, the real couple is wined and dined by the tenant crew.

The goal is to look at an art piece called "Nothing" and then get the paper company information on the owners computer. They are going to use a USB hacking program that the piano teacher made to do it. All of the tenants have a job in this mission which is to look fabulous and take names, oh and to cause a scene when needed.

Of course, the fun starts once everyone is in their place and Vincenzo and Cha-young are pretending to be the couple. Unbeknownst to them, the man was going to propose to his woman during this date, so Vincenzo has to propose to Cha-young with a ring that the curator has. He is also sweet talked into giving Cha-young a kiss. And here is when we get the looong kiss. Seriously, it is long and sweet and hopefully everything everyone has wanted.

But then its back to business. They manage to get into the curators office to look at the "nothing" art exhibit and start downloading the file right away. After they get the file, which is an International Transaction Information file, they have to pretend like they are Italian FBI in order to get out of the building because, by then, the curator of the gallery is on to them. Luckily, they have their own NIS agent, Ahn Ki-suk, to make them look more legit.

everyone walks out looking fabulous and it is a job well done by the team. Cha-young and Vincenzo go back to the tenant building. They are going to have a drink on the rooftop to celebrate. But Vincenzo feels something and decides to go to the rooftop early while Cha-young prepares everything. He knows someone is following him.

On the rooftop, Vincenzo is met by thugs who want to kill him. There are there because, sometime in this episode, Lawyer Choi Myung-hee called Italian mafia people to kill Vincenzo.

Vincenzo is able to disarm one, but a third thug comes out of the shadows and hits Vincenzo on the head, dropping him to his knees. It does not look good for Vincenzo.

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