Vincenzo: Episode 15

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Our leads get thrown a major curveball that calls for a new strategy. Thankfully, our consigliere has a secret weapon that could be a game changer. We get more undercover hijinks from our team – this time involving the impersonation of a shaman – that once again puts Babel in a tight spot and makes the chairman more determined than ever to see his ex-Mafia foe suffer.


One of the hitmen relays Paolo's message that so long as Vincenzo shows him respect, his death will be painless. Vincenzo shoots that down, and right as the man prepares to shoot, Inzaghi the pigeon makes an appearance. He calls all his birdy friends who rise up and swarm the men. (I swear, I'm not making this up.)

Vincenzo takes advantage of the chaos to grab one of the men and uses his gun to shoot his companion. He uses the second man as a shield when the third shoots, and then Vincenzo shoots the third man dead. With the crisis averted, Vincenzo watches pigeon Inzaghi fly off into the night.

Vincenzo meets Cha-young on the stairs and prevents her from going up. He suggests they drink in the office because of all the pigeon poop on the roof. When she blames Inzaghi, Vincenzo gets all offended on behalf of his bird savior.

Thanks to Jipuragi's scheme, Prosecutor Jung now has the financial files and makes his way to arrest Joon-woo who's currently at Ragusang Gallery. Myung-hee encourages Joon-woo to flee the country, so he has Han-seo book him a flight to New York.

Joon-woo's calm lasts all of a few minutes, and then he's destroying the beloved "Nothing" artwork in a rage while Director Jung cries. Elsewhere, Vincenzo's minions clean up the roof and report that Myung-hee's number was in one of the men's phones. Vincenzo makes a call to Luca.

At the gallery, Myung-hee receives a photo of the three men dead – they failed again. She apologizes to Joon-woo, ignoring Han-seo's mocking smile. Before Joon-woo can leave for the airport, Prosecutor Jung and his team arrive with a warrant and take Joon-woo away in handcuffs.

That night, Vincenzo feeds Inzaghi on his windowsill and laughs off the idea a bird could've intentionally saved him. He gets an excited text from Cha-young about Joon-woo's arrest and Prosecutor Jung's upcoming press conference to announce it.

Later that night, Cha-young takes out the scarf Kyung-ja made her and opens the letter Kyung-ja had asked her to read later. As she reads, Cha-young begins to cry.

The following day, all the tenants gather excitedly at Jipuragi to watch the press conference. Everyone stares in shock when Prosecutor Jung claims that he let his "personal feelings" get in the way and falsely accused Babel. He apologizes to the public and Joon-woo and announces all charges will be dropped and the investigation closed.

Cha-young hurls her coffee mug at the TV and storms out. Vincenzo follows, trying to talk her down. She wants to make Prosecutor Jung pay for his betrayal, but Vincenzo argues they'll only hurt themselves by reacting emotionally.

Chief Prosecutor Hwang is pleased with Prosecutor Jung's backtracking and intends to promote him after a short suspension for appearance's sake. Prosecutor Jung asks for guards for him and his family in case the Mafia comes for him.

In a flashback, he'd offered to make all the charges go away for Joon-woo. He'd been biding his time, waiting until he had enough evidence to present this deal to Babel. Prosecutor Jung asked to be made prosecutor general and even told Joon-woo about the Guillotine file to seal the deal.

When Prosecutor Jung arrives home, he finds the guards incapacitated. He runs upstairs in a panic and sees Vincenzo sitting at the table, chatting with his wife and daughter. Vincenzo even cooked them dinner.

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