Vincenzo: Episode 20 (Final)

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The epic fight between our mafioso and his adversaries comes to a close in an intense finale that takes vengeance to a new level. In a tale with a death toll higher than its episode count, we know we're not in for a happily-ever-after. But we do get a solid ending that does justice to the characters we've gotten to know and love over the past several weeks. So grab your espresso and settle in for one last wild ride with our favorite consigliere and his loyal Geumga Plaza crew.


While Vincenzo sits on the ground holding a bleeding Cha-young in his arms, Joon-woo raises his gun and points it at Vincenzo. Han-seo leaps up and grabs the barrel of the gun, trying to wrestle it away from his brother.

With the gun now pressed into Han-seo's abdomen, Joon-woo tells him to let go, but Han-seo refuses. He begs Joon-woo to stop and says, "You really shouldn't have been born, you scum." Joon-woo stares coldly and shoots straight through his brother's stomach. Noooo!

Vincenzo stares in shock as Han-seo falls to the ground. Joon-woo points his gun at Vincenzo and pulls the trigger. Vincenzo covers Cha-young with his body, but nothing happens – Joon-woo is out of bullets. Vincenzo chases Joon-woo out to the balcony but doesn't follow when Joon-woo jumps down to the ground below and speeds off in his car.

While Vincenzo calls an ambulance and checks on Cha-young, Han-seo calls out to him. Vincenzo rushes over and cradles his head. "I did well, didn't I?" Han-seo asks. Vincenzo says he did well enough to qualify to be his little brother. Han-seo says it's the first time he's ever helped anyone.

He coughs up blood but manages to hand Vincenzo his phone, telling him he knows what to do with it. Han-seo thanks Vincenzo for everything and then goes still. Vincenzo bows his head, and Cha-young sheds a tear. Vincenzo gently closes Han-seo's eyes and remains by his side. Meanwhile, Joon-woo tosses his phone in the river.

Cha-young wakes in the hospital, luckily only sporting a shoulder injury. She tells Vincenzo it wasn't his fault she got hurt and encourages him to go catch Joon-woo. He promises to finish this within 24 hours. Then, he'll leave. She asks him not to say goodbye when he goes.

In prison, Myung-hee reads the headline article about Joon-woo fleeing after murdering his brother and attempting to murder a lawyer. She curses Vincenzo's name. At Geumga Plaza, the tenants are relieved Cha-young is recovering and determined to stay in this fight to the very end.

Vincenzo passes Han-seo's phone and the original Guillotine file over to Team Leader Ahn who vows to uphold justice. Vincenzo encourages him to use it to "trample" his enemies instead. He shares that, from a villain's perspective, the scariest enemy isn't the just official but the regular citizen who stands outside with a baseball bat when his rent is raised.

Elsewhere, Attorney Han psyches himself up to sign the warrant for his own arrest. Right before he signs, Vincenzo calls and offers him a way to survive: Release Myung-hee within the next three hours.

When Attorney Han hesitates, Vincenzo terrifies him by reciting his schedule over the past few days and saying he could've killed him at any time. Attorney Han eagerly crumples his arrest warrant and prepares to sell Myung-hee out.

On the run, Joon-woo buys a bag full of weapons and hires a group of men for some new nefarious plan. Meanwhile, shortly after the prosecution raids Wusang, Myung-hee is released from prison. The prosecution determined she took the fall for Joon-woo because her life was threatened.

Vincenzo calls to tell Myung-hee this is her final day and plays her the recording of Attorney Han trading her life for his. Myung-hee goes straight to Wusang, unaware Young-woon is tailing her and reporting to Vincenzo.

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