Pt.12- Old habits

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It was done. The weekend and his time with the older sadistic man had drawn to a close. He could finally leave. He'd spent the entire two days catering to whatever Kirishima wanted to do, so now he couldn't wait to go home and take a long shower to rid himself of everything he'd been subjected too.

Instead of cleaning up in the elder's bathroom like he'd done on their first encounter, he threw on an oversized sweatshirt and some joggers from his bag that Kirishima had gratefully brought in.

"Don't you want to wash up before leaving?"

"No. I think I've overstayed my welcome."

The owner of the house only gave a small, disagreeing shrug in response. "You haven't, but if you're in a rush to leave- I won't keep you any longer than necessary. Have you come up with a price yet?"


"I told you I was going to pay you whatever price you saw fit considering I had you attend a dinner with me. I'm sure that goes above your pay grade, but you did well. Thanks for accompanying me."

Yokozawa waved him off, bringing a hand up to his neck and rubbing it nervously. Why was Kirishima making such a big deal about it? It's not like he had a say in the matter. Once he was purchased, the client was free to do whatever they wanted with him. "I had no choice. You paid me for this, so you don't have to thank me."

"Still. You humored me and for the most part, kept things professional. For that, I truly am grateful to you."

"Whatever. Stop saying weird shit. I'm pretty sure you could've got anyone to go with you. One of your workers probably would've been a better pick. Take that into consideration next time.

"Maybe. Anyways, how much?"

Gray eyes stared down. "F-forget about paying me extra. You already paid through the website. That's good enough."

Kirishima pulled out his checkbook and ripped out a check. "I had kind of already written a price out, so here." He handed the check over and watched as the other became wide eyed. "Is it too low of a number? I can always write another-

"Why did you write a check for twenty thousand?!"

"Did I lowball you? Let me-

"No. No. Take it back." He shoved the check back into the elders hands. "That's too much money. You already paid the ten grand to the website and now you're giving me another twenty. You do realize that's thirty thousand right?"

The other male hesitated slightly. Was he supposed to answer that? "I'm well aware how much that is. I went to school and attended college. I can assure you that I know how to do basic math."

"You might have passed math but not basic common sense. Take it back, I'm not accepting that much money."

Hazel eyes hardened a bit. "Just take it." He grabbed the man by his hips and pulled him close. "Go buy yourself something nice, like a decent dinner or maybe even a television or new cellphone. That's an order. Listen to your elder's."

Yokozawa stared warily. There were so many questions wracking through his mind that he didn't know how to phrase what he wanted to say. He stared at the man, his gray eyes latching on to him in a scrutinizing stance. After a while, he consented with a nod of his head. "Thank you, Kirishima." He said politely, a hint of a blush on his face.

He took a step back and grabbed the outstretched check, quickly pocketing it. Something told him he should put up more of a fight, or just leave it on the table as he made his departure but something else made him hold onto it. This was a favor.

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