Pt.28- Right direction

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The duo entered the company through a pair of double doors where they quickly spotted many of the elders employees rushing around with files in their hands. Once the workers caught sight of the people who'd just entered, they stopped dead in their tracks and gawked without shame at the unknown man standing next to their boss.

After a few more seconds of enduring the more than shocked stares, Kirishima crossed his arms, growing annoyed. "Well what's the problem? One of you get me up to date on how you all managed to lose a month of sales data and I'd like to know who's solely responsible."

Hemni approached, a faltering expression on his face that alternated between calm and terrified. "I-I don't know who's responsible for losing the data but it would seem the file that contained the data is gone. Someone misplaced it."

"Ok, so print a new one."

"We also lost the backup files-

"Mechanical or electronic problem?"


The company owner released a small sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose before nodding. "Ok, I'm going to work on doing the spreadsheet and printing out the new sales data. I want everyone else working on this months sales and be sure to back up the file on the computer. Copy the damn file twice if you have to. I don't want this happening again. Do I make myself clear?"

His employees nodded and scurried to their designated departments, not even daring to lift their gazes. The only noises that could be heard was the sifting of papers, and the typing of keyboards.

Now only three people stood in the main area.

Hemni stared at the gray eyed man. He'd seen him prior to this when Kirishima had asked him to pick up a friend's car. He remembered because it'd been an unusual request, not only that, the man was odd and had never once glanced up at him. He'd talked to him and invited him into Kirishima's house but that's as far as his hospitality had gone.

Yokozawa caught sight of the man staring at him and raised a brow in question. "The fuck are you looking at?" He asked, a scowl on his face. He hadn't meant to sound so rude, but it couldn't be helped. He hadn't exactly learned the correct social skills to know that saying something like that wasn't considered a conversation starter.

The elder opened his mouth to scold his young lover but a laugh escaped instead. He chuckled humorously for a bit until he regained composure and placed a hand on the younger's shoulder. "Be nice to my workers. They haven't done anything to you."

"Tskk." Was all he responded with, glancing away. "Fine. Whatever. I'm sorry I guess."

"You guess?"

"Shut it. I apologized already."

"I appreciate that." The hazel eyed man said while smiling kindly at the gray eyed man.

"Boss, would you like me to set up your laptop in your office and bring you the sales information?" Hemni asked, not taking offense to what the other had said. To be quite honest, he had been staring for a while, so it's not like he could blame the man for his attitude. Plus Kirishima had said this man was his friend, so any friend of Kirishima's was a friend of his...despite his rather hold nature.

"Yes. Thank you." Kirishima handed the shorter man his laptop and beckoned Takafumi to follow them as they made their way to a very spacious office.

Yokozawa stood by the doorway awkwardly, watching as the other two began chatting idly as Hemni connected the laptop to a charger and turned it on, gesturing for Kirishima to take a look. "I'll go get that information for you right now." He said, pausing politely when he saw his boss's friend lingering by the door. "Would you like me to bring you a chair?"

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