Pt.14- Another day

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The line between him and normal people was so far gone- so stretched and thinning that he didn't care if he wasn't adequate, or seen as equal. No amount of running could ever close the gap that had differentiated him and them. So he stopped trying. His purpose in life wasn't to make anyone but himself happy.

But he couldn't help but pity himself.

Not for what he did, but for his current predicament. As if being looked down upon wasn't bad enough, he was now injured- practically useless. He could handle people's disgusted, judgemental stares when he revealed his job occupation, however, he couldn't stand people trying to help him with basic things he should be more than capable of doing on his own.

It was pitiful.

He couldn't wait for his wrist to be healed that why he wouldn't have to depend on anyone but himself again. The way it should've been.

He got off of his car and had to remember not to use his right arm to close the door. With an irritated huff, he slammed it closed with his left hand and walked towards the store that he was supposed to pick his medicine up from. He'd just lifted his hand to push the door open when a random person rushed in front of him.

"Let me get that for you." The man said, rushing to open the door.

"I don't need your help to open a door."

"You're arm is hurt."

"I have another that is in perfect condition. You didn't have to rush in front of me to open the door like that." Yokozawa said, his voice flat and unimpressed. "I could've easily opened it myself, but thanks I guess." He entered the store and with a bit of difficulty, pulled out the prescription he was supposed to drop off at the pharmacy.

He made his way there and dropped it off, the pharmacist informing him that it'd be ready for pick up in about thirty minutes.

Instead of coming back later, he decided to do a bit of shopping to pass the time. There was no point of driving back to his apartment, only to have to come back a few minutes later. He picked up a hand held basket and began walking around the store.

Immediately he was drawn to a coffee aisle.

Gray eyes scanned the shelf until they landed on his favorite brand. It was all the way on the top. He stared up at it and simply sighed, he didn't even feel like reaching up for it.

"Do you need help?"


"It's just that I couldn't help but notice-

"If you were minding your business, you wouldn't notice me. Now leave me alone. I already said I didn't need help."

The person simply stared in shock before walking away in slight embarrassment.

What's up with people offering me help? It's just a fractured wrist. I'm not completely useless. I can still do things. He thought pointedly, glaring at the floor.

"Here. This is the one you wanted, right?" A voice asked, ruining his downwards spiral train of thoughts and causing him to look up.

Kirishima held the container of coffee out before dropping it into his basket. "You seem to be in a bad mood today. What's up with that? Not on the job so can't afford to waste any of that friendly hospitality on people who aren't clients?"

He knew the elder man was only trying to engage in mindless, idle chatter, but he still grew annoyed nonetheless. His wrist hurt, and he wasn't really in the mood to entertain people today. "Yeah, something like that." He answered dismissively, trying to walk around the man.

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