case of the FMC hospital 1/2

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All I could think about was how weird everything felt

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All I could think about was how weird everything felt.

It was like we had reverted back to high school. Sehun came to pick us up with Baekhyun and my brother running to take me into his embrace. Minseok called to tell us to hurry up because even if we were flying first class, he wanted to run everything by us. Kai also still had his boyish charm despite us talking about how much he had changed since high school and he and Sehun began to bicker on who should drive.

"You drive! I pulled an all-nighter," Kai was saying and it was the opposite of high school-- when they were 17, all of them wanted to drive and now everyone just wanted to chill in the front seat.

"I pulled an all-nighter, too!"

"Doing what?"

"I have a wife, you know." Sehun quirked up an eyebrow at the insinuation, a smirk on his lips and as much as I was happy he was still getting it on with Harin even if everyone knew both of them kept on fighting, I didn't need to hear that.

Kai had stared Sehun down, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol loading the luggage into the back of the car when Kai sighed.

"Fine. But just because I know how marriages are hard to maintain with your... strenuous exercises." Kai rolled his eyes, grabbing the key from Sehun. At first, I didn't understand why they didn't just take separate cars but then Kai said that his car had gone through a tragic accident so he had cabbed over.

He also wanted to eat breakfast with us and now, as Kai entered the driver's seat, Sehun slid into the passenger's seat right beside him. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were in the other car while Kyungsoo and I sat at the back. Kai put on some music, Sehun lowering the air conditioning.

"It's been a while since we went on a trip."

"Don't let Minseok hyung hear you call this a trip." Sehun shook his head. "We've been losing so much money but we can't close it down-- not yet. We just hired the doctors and the nurses and that itself was a long process. Now babies are dying?"

"What could it be?" I asked, frowning. "What did the police report say?"

"Nothing. I checked it," Kai answered and his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes squinting on the road while he made a sharp U-Turn. There were times I forgot Kai was a detective but it was moments like this that reminded me how smart and detailed Kai actually was. The way he talked, his thought process... it was different.

He, out of all of us, changed the most.

"Apparently, three still-born babies. A span of three months. The first mother didn't say anything but then the second and the third said that after the doctors' appointment, they felt kind of dizzy. Which is normal for pregnant women, I think." Kai frowned. "They spent a night at the hospital by doctors orders and when they left and went home, the next time they came for an appointment, the baby was pronounced stillborn."

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