Contest 4 Entry 1

287 19 9


Anika's POV

I'm so happy that day after tomorrow Ri is getting married to Omkara his family is nice too. I know Ri will have a twin since her and Rudy are the same age but I feel bad for them since they will have double trouble but I still can't believe that she is getting married my baby sis married! Is this real? She has a awesome mother in law and father in law. Also there is priyanka AKA Pinku. 

Then there is Shivay I never understood what Ri meant when she said he was they rock of the oberoi family but after meeting him and speaking to him I understand what she meant but for me rock is an understatement. 

He is more like a magnetic force that keeps drawing me closer to him, I know it will sound weird maybe crazy even but its true I think no no I know I'm in love with The SSO but not cause he is rich and what not it's what he hides deep down inside how although he lost his parents at a early age he still took care of Pinku, Rudy and Om becoming their Rock and how he fought against all odds to become who he is and how no matter what hurdles life brings him he fights till the very end . 

Sorry to burst my own bubble but I know for a fact that it will never happen and I know he is one of those people I can adore from afar especially after maintaining a good friendship with him I mean the kind of friendship where he tells me his every secret and will take me out anytime of day just for a snack. Call me dumb call me stupid heck call me a idiot I would rather I stay in that kind of friendship than being rejected by my first and most definitely last love.

Third persons POV
Anika was brought out of thoughts when she heard a knock on her door she composed herself and opened the door there he was the love of her life who she would soon miss. He looked different today not angry happy as in Really Really happy. 

Shivay dragged her to the bed and sat her down Anika looked at him confused

Shiv:Sorry for disturbing you so late but we need to talk 

Anika could hear the childlike excitement in his which made her smile it wasn't everyday you heart The Shivay Singh OBEROI AKA Stone Singh Oberoi so happy and excited.

Ani:Ok Ok first calm down and breath then only you can talk to me

Shivay took a deep breath and said as calmly as he could which Just So you know was not that calm.

Shiv:Ok so I'll say this once

there was a long silence 


Shiv:Sheesh Ok so....

Ani:So what 😡?

Shivay knew Anika had a short temper and he was only making it shorter which made her want to smack his perfectly perfect face but how could she damage that face?

Shiv:I think I'm in love 

Anika felt everything shatter around her. Can you blame her? Her love told her he was in love but Anika wasn't going to tell him that she smiled at him and said 

Ani:OMG! Who? When? what is her name? Is she from a good family? Do I know her?

Shiv:You know her very well. But I will tell you all that later I want to propose to her right now but first you tell me your dream proposal 

Ani:As in now?


Anika was sure she had lost her marbles otherwise how else could she be smiling in this situation but Shivay's excited expression was so cute. 

Shiv:Now you tell me about your dream proposal 

Ani:Why me?

Shiv:Because you are my best friend and the girl i want to propose to is just like you 

Ani:Ok chilax. Ok so I don't want anything much just a simple Anika I love you 

Shiv:Ok. But are you certain 

Ani:YepI don't want anything much I want something pure


Shivay got up and went on one knee took a ring out😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 Anika frowned wondering what he was doing Shivay said the following......

Shiv:Anika since the longest time I have loathed the word Love I used to hide it but always felt jealous of Om and Rudra wondering how come they got parents who loved them and were always there to provide for their everyneed while I was all alone thinking that I'll never have something of my own but then a certain Wild Cat entered my life a gave me hope *sigh* so what I'm trying to ask you is will you be mine Anika I will totally understand it if you reject me but I will be at peace knowing that i let you know how I fel.

Anika:Shiv.... Shivay this is a joke?

tears were streaming down like waterfalls from Shivika's eyes not tears of pain and suffering but tears of love and joy. Shivay was too afraid that his voice will betray him just shook his head Anika said in a very soft whisper...

Ani:I love you Stone Singh Oberoi 

Shivay lifted her up and twirled her around once he put her on the ground he connected their foreheads and said

Shiv:I love you too My magnetic force 

Anika giggled:You are such a thief you stole my line and my heart

Soon their lips connected causing havoc in their senses it was their first but definitely not their last kiss

The End

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