Chapter Thirteen: His reality

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A/N Hey everyone I just have a question to ask all of you how exactly did you find this story? Because I am surprised on how much people are enjoy this so any ways bye.

Newt's POV
Fuck fuck how am I getting red eyes or eye in this case he said this won't happen ..... I need to talk to him, I stand in front of a mirror in a dark room with a candle "Void are you there ..... VOID ANSWER ME!" I yell now I have black liquid coming out of my mouth."Aaahhh Newton what's wrong?" He asked like he can't see my eye and the black stuff "what is wrong ..... WHAT IS WRONG? I am getting flare effects" I said trying to get him to look at me, "oh shit really .... oh no that's bad" he said "what do I do" I said with the panic setting in "you need to come back to the void for a few days and see shadow or as you named her Rebecca" he said then disappears. Fuck .... I need to tell Tommy, as I pick up the I started to shake but I need to do this "hey Newt what's wrong?" He asked "hey Tommy I have to go for a few days" I said as quickly as I could,  "ok .... why what's wrong?" He asked again "ummm my supernatural powers are going a bit hay wire" I say trying to say confident, "ok we'll be safe and tell me when you are done ok" he says with such a loving tone "ok I will ..... love you Tommy" I say with the same tone "love you too Newtie" and the phone call ends ok let's do this.

Into the void

Once in the void I go and find Rebecca "Becca were are you?" I say in to white nothing "hello Newt what are you doing back here so soon?" She asks "I am getting flare effects again" I answered and she looked at mine to confirm what said "right ok follow me". We reached what looked to be a medical bench or something "ok so hop on the bed please and I'll see what I can do" she says smiling at me "ok sure that's fine" I say very nervous, I get on the table and I can feel panic going though my body and I feel like I am back in WCKD which Rebecca notices "hey Newt it ok you are safe you aren't back there you are here with me" she says holding my hand to calm me down "ok ok ...... I am ready" I say and she nods putting me under.

Newts mind

"Newt what you doing there" Tommy asked both of us standing on the beach which makes up the safe haven "nothing I am just looking at the ocean" I answer, "ok well we got to get back because our little boy will like to know were his daddy went" Tommy says smiling "ok I am coming" I say smiling as well. Once we reach our hut we hear crying "oh chukie it's ok daddy and papa are here" I say trying to calm him, "Chuck it's ok it ok sssh sssh" as I finished saying that makes Chuck smile at us "hey buddy look how smiley his aww" Tommy cooes to Chuck I smile at them both this is the best day if I lived long enough to see it but hopefully it'll become real once the plan is complete. "Newt you're doing ok now are you ready to leave?" I hear Rebecca asks "yeah I am ready" I say cuddling them both.

The void

To wake back up here to face Rebecca "ok so apparently it is just a little bit of anger,stress and over use of powers so try and avoid that ok?" She says and I nod in a understanding "ok well I'll see you once the plan is done" she says and I get up and leave then are stoped when Rebecca says "please don't trust him" and I leave.

The real world

What dose she mean by 'don't trust him' does she mean Stiles or void I am so confused so one help me please.

A/N got two things to say, first one is a question are you guys enjoying this and why? Second is I know in teen wolf and maze runner there is on character called Rebecca that's because she is based on a friend of mine who is ill at the moment so yeah bye.

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