Chapter fifteen: Our past

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Minho's POV
Oh god how did I tell Thomas that he was never interested in Newt when we were alive in the trials....... also what are his eyes dull they never looked ...... like .... that ...... shuck. After I figured that out I went to see Thomas
new friends to see if they could help me in anyway.

Stilinski's household
Thomas's POV
"So Newt how are you feeling after all the strangeness that has happened to you?" I asked over the phone because Newt need a few days to collect himself, "no yeah it was fine I feel great just sorry for the wired notice" he said sounding guilty "no it's fine I understand don't worry ok" I say to him to hopefully keep him clam, "ok Tommy .... look I have to go I'll seen you soon bye love you" he said "ok bye love you too" and with that we hung up.Why do I feel strange..... like I am living some kind of lie ...... well what ever it is I hope it goes away soon.

In the loft

Lydia's POV
"Ok so what do we do how do we help Stiles" Malia asked "we might need someone who knows his past self .... but the only person is that 'Newt' person" I said and everyone just continued to look at the floor, KNOCK KNOCK "Scott go see who that is?" I asked him, "it's someone who is claiming to know know Stiles's past self" Scott said leading in this knew person "ok before you ask yes I do Thomas or Stiles as you call him and hi my name is Minho" the person called Minho said "ok so what do you want?" Kira asked "I think I can help you guys"

Few days later

"So Tommy how was school when I wasn't in?" I asked him look into his amazing eyes "it was fine quite but fine" he answered looking sad, what's wrong with him why is he so sad for is he not enjoying being with me .... come on Tommy do fall out with me please. As we continue to walk though the woods I felt something off about behind us but I tried to ignore it till it became to much, "ok who is out there?" I asked getting my magic ready to fight who was following us. "Chill the shuck out Newt it's just me" Minho said no I felt bad for getting ready to fight him.

Few minutes later
That feeling is back again what the fuck is it then I see them ..... crap crap crap the have mountain ash fuck fuck fuck, "TOMMY" I yelled getting his attention along with his pack but before he got to me I was already in the mountain ash circle, "Newt you ok?" He asked I nodded then came Lydia I should of dealt her soon rather then later fuck.  "Stiles step away from him" she said looking at me with a hateful glare "no what the fuck are you guys doing let him out right now" Tommy tries to beg them but they refuse to do so, "Tommy come here you can let me out" I tried to use verbal magic it did work till that stupid werecoyote got him in a lock, fuck fuck fuck what do I do. "Enough games void we know it's you" Scott said walking towards me "who's void? Never heard of him" I say trying to act innocent but was not working
"Don't play innocent we know that you know him just give up" some girl with a sword said " I am sorry but who the fuck are you?" I asked now mad "my name is Kira and I am a kitsune" she answered oh fuck I could lose this fight.

Lydia's POV
Stiles was still struggling against Malia "ok Minho do you thing" I say looking toward Minho as he step in front of Stiles and that when we hear begging "no please no please I am begging you don't do this you have no idea what I have done to get Tommy back Minho please" but Minho didn't hear him I did feel sorry for Newt as he must really love him but I can't allow my friend to be hurt anymore.

Thomas's POV
'Thomas can you hear me?' a voice asked 'Minho is that you?' I asked back then he appeared in front of me 'Minho what's going on?' I asked him I was confused and scared but he did not answer my question he just asked 'what you remember of you past life?" What the hell dose that mean 'of course I remember that;I was the greenie after Chuck, then I meat all of you guys, we were in a place called the glade , I tried a bunch of jobs, ran into the maze to save you and Alby, sent to the pit, chuck gave me food even thought Newt said no, Teresa, Gally hating me, sting myself to remember that I worked for W.I.C.K.D, escapeing, Chuck dying , the whole fucking scorch bullshit , you being kidnapped because of Teresa, then planning to find you , Newt being infected , last city , finding you ....... killing Newt ........ ratman shooting me ...... living in the safe haven ...... then dying' as I finished I realised I never said me and Newt having a romantic ....... relationship....... he has been controlling me 'Minho I am ready to wake up' and I did.

When I awoke I heard Newt begging to be let out "please please let me out I'll take Tommy and leave you'll never see us again just please let me out" once he finished he looked at me with a small smile which I did not return, he noticed and said "Tommy y..." I cut him off by saying "shut up Newt you don't get to talk to me ever again and it's Thomas to you or Stiles" I got up and looked at him, and notice he was beginning to cry but I didn't care after he control me so I really  couldn't care less "leave me alone and go back your void from once you came"

Lydia's POV
We started to walk away when we heard laughing "you think you can get away with taking him away from me think again I will come back and once I do you will wish you didn't just piss me off" then all of sudden to ash circle was broken the clouds got dark and magic came out of Newt's hands then a cloud of dark smoke took him away " what the fuck was that?" Malia asked I was about to answer when Stiles began to fall "STILES!!"

A/N holy klunck you guys this is  the lowest chapter I have ever written in a day but I hoped you have enjoyed this sorry for the long wait I was busy but hopefully this made up for so yeah bye.

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