48. Story of my life

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Dean's POV:

We've been driving around for hours, but there's no hint whatsoever of her. Tyler checked all the possibilities, to a certain extent he could follow the ambulance but then lost track of it. All eyes from her racing gang are out here looking for her, Brad went nearly insane when the news reached him. Even if he's done so wrong, I know he does care for her which doesn't mean I like it, but I can understand it.

The police are trying but honestly, they're doing shit. In the mean time we've got a crew of thirty security guards out there looking for her too. Tyler is trying to find out if he can find any file documenting a property they might have taken her, anything bought or rented. Probably more likely on the outskirts, something run down perhaps where no one would check.

The problem is they probably won't be that stupid to use their own name. So he's also trying to check out if he can find any way of checking any building's matching our description which has either been sold or rented recently. But this all seems to be a damn difficult work.

From the doctors I know, the painkillers should be worn off by now and she'll be in incredible pain. The thought of it is killing me and not knowing what they are doing to her. At least I know she's alive, because one thing is for sure if she was dead, my so-called mother would have found a way to break the news to me.

Because this is what her psycho head wants. She wants me to feel pain, feel anxious, feel nauseous. She wants to torment me until I break down. What ever she does to Kiara, she's going to take her time because she wants me to die in pain in the end, knowing what my girl had to endure was all because of me. All she's aiming for, is for me to suffer in an unbearable way.

In her psycho head she's probably figured out all the steps she's going to take. They should have never let her out of prison and kept her locked up in there. Submitting her into a private mental health clinic was the worst decision we could have made. Even after what she did, me and my dad couldn't put it past us to let her rot in one of these places she would have been put into by the state.

Not with us being so wealthy and knowing in reality she is simply mentally really sick and needs help.

She was meant to officially be locked away for the rest of her life, but unfortunately, we picked the wrong private clinic. Nadine's father has a company reaching out into different branches just like my company but he invests in private clinics too. My mother has been in there for about eight years now, who the hell would have at the time known this clinic would belong to the father of someone I would date in the future.

Jeez at that time I was only a teenager and I only got to know Nadine a little over a year ago. Her father was so obsessed about me getting back together with Nadine. It wasn't about his daughter or me, it was just a matter of power. If our companys were to melt together through marriage, we'd be the most powerful family in the UK was all he repeated again and again. Both our companys reach into so many branches, together it would be the ultimate company.

It's not so much about the money, he has plenty. All he wants is power, something I'm not interested in. He always expected me to get over what he called the flaws of his daughter and collaborate with him. When the first pics from Kiara and me went viral after the gala he went mad. Even the first pics with Kiara in Dubai had him calling my father causing issues.

At first Nadine's dad black mailed me to take Nadine back at work and work together, if I didn't want my mother accidentally released. I presume he thought with Nadine and me having to work long hours together, I'd give into her charme in next to no time. At that time I didn't realize how sick he really was and how determined.

It wasn't until we got back from the Bahamas I got to realize the full extent of his madness. He had already moved my mother to what he called a safe place. My dad and I had done everything to fight for her being delayed to another clinic out of his reach, as soon as he called after the first photos appearing after the Gala. But seeing as it was part of her sentence and the judge didn't see a reason for delaying her after so many years doing what they called well in that clinic, she stayed in his reach.

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