Chapter 13

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Ora just stared at Thorin like he'd grown a second head.

"I-I'm sorry?" She gaped, completely confused as to why the king would ask her such a question. Certainly, it was none of his business, but even so, why would he want to know?

"Master Colborn," Thorin repeated, taking a step towards Ora, and for once she didn't take a step back. She was far too stunned to move, let alone process what he was asking her, "He offered you a courtship token, did he not? Did you accept?"

"How do you know?" Silly question, really. But she wasn't to hear him say it.

"Dwalin told me."

"Why would he tell you that?" Ora's heart rate began to accelerate in anticipation.

"Why would he not?"

Because it's none of your business.

Ora had no response for that. He was the king, he could ask what he liked. But why would he want to know? She suddenly got a mental imagine of Dwalin and Thorin gossiping about her behind closed doors, maybe even having a jest as they made fun of her. Her blood ran cold.

"Does it matter?"

"Yes. Tell me, did you accept?" She could have sworn he sounded... impatient? Maybe even a little agitated and desperate for her to answer. But she quickly shook of that observation.

Thorin's gaze on her was stern and his body was rigid, but she could see the muscles in his cheeks flexing as his tensed his jaw.

"I haven't given him an answer." She replied hesitantly.

"Are you going to accept?" He pressed.

"I haven't decided." She answered honestly. Of course, she didn't think she would accept, something was stopping her. She didn't love Colborn, she wasn't even attracted to him. Although, sometimes she found herself wishing she was, it would make things so much simpler.

"Why not?"

Ora's defences began to prickle. "I'm sorry, Thorin, but I don't think this is an appropriate time or place to speak about this." She said lowly, trying hard to keep his gaze but she found herself growing hot under his stare.

Thankfully, Thorin too seemed to realise it was not a suitable time for such a discussion, because he backed up slightly, the intensity of his gaze diminishing a little and his shoulders loosened.

"Of course." He said gruffly, nodding towards her. "I'll take my leave."

He turned to leave, but he hadn't gotten far before Ora called out for him. He turned just in time to be pulled into a hug by her.

She cherished the feel of his warm and somewhat cosy body against hers, although, the armour wasn't particularly comfortable to be pressed up against. But all the same she valued it, especially when he too wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tighter against him still, her feet raising off the ground a little.

"Thank you, you've been so kind to me." She whispered into his mane of hair, trying not to become too intoxicated in the smell that was Thorin Oakenshield. Earthy, smoky, and... homely.

Thorin didn't reply, but he soon let his arms drop from around her, signalising that the hug was over.

"No." Ora said to his actions, and clung on tighter to him still, standing right on the tips of her toes.

She felt his chest vibrate a little and the deep, rumbling of a chuckle filled the air around her. She pulled away a little, just enough to look at him in the eyes with a somewhat startled look on his face.

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