Chapter 23

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When Ora woke the next morning, she found herself back in her chambers, neatly tucked up in bed. She wanted to frown at the absence of her king, but she smiled small instead when the memories of last night rolled in to comfort her. She had fallen asleep so close to him, so entangled in his spirit and presence. She'd felt so close to him, and she'd loved every moment of it.

Her heart lurched pleasantly at the recollection of drifting off into a deep slumber with her cheek pressed to his fur coat and her hand lighting resting on his chest. She could remember just as she fell asleep the rough bristles of his beard grazing her skin when he kissed her temple.

She moved to sit up, and her grin broadened when Thorin's thick, warm coat slipped off her. It was little acts of kindness like that, in between all the broody, intimidating King, that made her heart skip for him.

Feeling a new sense of purpose and commitment, she slipped out her bed and briskly prepared herself for the day, wanting to get down the King's Hall before breakfast.

She pulled on her second fanciest gown - which wasn't particularly fancy at all - seeing as Anar was still busy working on her other frocks, and headed for the door after pulling her hair up in a pretty, simple bun. She practically skipped her way down to the Hall, bouncing every so often.

It was early. She was up early. And she didn't even feel tired. In fact, she felt excited to see Thorin, she wanted to hug him, and maybe even kiss his cheek, and she didn't even care who saw.

"Good morning, Lady Dis, do you know where King Thorin is?" Ora asked Dis who was making her own way towards the Hall, just in front of her.

Dis turned, and Ora nearly tripped when she saw the grim look on her face. Ora quickly hurried closer, concern evident in her eyes and worry casting a shadow over her round face, "What is it?" Ora asked, placing a comforting hand on Dis' shoulder.

Dis sighed deeply. Ora could see dark circles under her crystal eyes, and that the princesses usually impeccable hair was even a little more untamed than Ora's is wispy strands floating around in the cool Mountain air.

Ora could have guess what Dis was going to say simply by the expression on her usually friendly face.

"They rode out this morning." Dis replied gravely. Ora assumed 'they' included her sons. Dis sighed again before continuing, "An Orc pack was spotted no more than four leagues from here."

Ora's blood ran cold, and her face trained. "How big does it stand?"

"Maybe one hundred, maybe two, but Thorin's party is well prepared, I am sure they will be fine." She tried to reassure her, but Ora could tell she was still worried. Of course she was, her two babies were there too (although Fili and Kili were hardly babes any more), no matter how talented, trained, experienced and prepared they all were she was bound to be worried. Even Ora worried for them, in fact, she worried for everyone who had gone and she briefly wondered in Giora or even Colborn were amongst them.

Ora knew Thorin was one of the strongest, bravest, most fearless and most dangerous warriors around, but that didn't stop her from worrying. Not one bit.

Her knees went a little weak, her stomach suddenly felt heavy and sick, and her chest heaved. Nothing went through her head for a few moments upon hearing the news, her entire body just stopped for a few seconds. But when she returned back to Erebor, her adrenaline was in full swing, coursing through her veins like the rivers of molten gold in the floors below her feet.

"When was the pack spotted?" Ora fired the question and her jaw clenched.

Dis blinked a few times, stumbling over the first few words in surprise at Ora's tone, "Oh, erm, maybe two weeks ago." She rubbed the back of her neck, looking totally unravelled. "It has been monitored, and one Dwarf has already lost his life, but we assumed they were just passing through, and they would leave within days. Obviously, we were wrong."

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