Chapter 6

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"He did what?!" When Ava spoke she sprayed strawberry tart all over the kitchen floor.

It was the following morning, and Ava had taken a leisurely stroll down to the market to see what food she could scrounge off Ora. Little did she knew she would be burdened with the biggest gossip Erebor would ever know, and she was sworn to secrecy by a kitchen knife wielding Ora.

Ava knew better to challenge her - no that she would, they were best friends after all - she knew what Ora was capable to when she wanted to. But they were like sisters, so a promise was a promise.

"You cannot tell, Ava!" Ora snapped back, obviously stressed.

"Well, you have to make him the buns!"

"I am! Keep your voice down!"

"Oh, Mahal... Ora..."

"Why is it always me?" Ora whined, more to herself than her useless friend. Ava just sat there like a lemon.

"I wonder what else you could get him to do..." Ava mumbled, but quickly shut up when she saw the look of absolute horror Ora's face, "I mean hypothetically, of course!"

"Ava! He is our king! Our king! Oh, Mahal, he's the king!" She was tempted to throw herself into the hot oven right then and there, but she reframed herself from doing so, and instead hit herself in the face with a wood spoon a few times.

"And you told him about the paint?"


"And he said nothing?"

"Nothing at all! Just brushed it off with a nod!" She'd told Ava everything, everything except the king telling her he had trouble sleeping nowadays. That seemed far too personal to share. "Ava, you cannot tell anyone. Not even Uli, and especially not Marg."

Ava huffed, "I wouldn't tell Marg, but Uli might be able to help."

"Help with what?"

"The situation," Ava slipped off her seat and came to stand in front of Ora, grasping the bakers shoulders.

"There is no situation," Ora hissed, "We're not doing anything about it, Ava. I'm going to give him his buns, and that it that."

"And then what?"

Ora gave Ava a strangled look, "What do you mean 'and then what?'"

"What are you going to do after?"

"Nothing. I'm going to pretend it never happened. Maybe even lay low for awhile, keep myself out of trouble."

Ava snorted, "You don't find trouble, Ora, you seem to cause it."




Ora used her lunch break to take the buns up to the Royal Halls, arms carefully cradling a basket while Ava traipsed along behind, and not being so careful with her own basket.

"I've never been here before, is this the right way?" Ora asked, hesitating mid walk and looking around.

Ava blinked at her for a moment, "I-I don't know, I was following you."

Just as the words left her mouth a familiar figure turned the corner. Ora grinned, bobbing on the balls of her feet.

"Lord Dwalin!" She called, smiling brightly. It may not have been the most appropriate greeting, but the elder Dwarf didn't seem to bat an eyelid. Instead, he changed direction and headed towards them.

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