Chapter 15

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Ora just gaped at the Dwarf in her main room.

It wasn't until he slowly stood and began to move towards her, she managed to regain her bearings and somehow, quite literally, squeak out:

"My Lord Balin, what are you doing here? It's a little late, don't you think?" As she spoke, her eyes shifted to the wooden clock sitting upon the mantelpiece above the dying fire. It was two o'clock in the morning. Ora frowned. Why was Giora still up?

"Aye, it is, lassie, and I'm sorry for the intrusion. It's just..." He trailed off a little, white eyebrows knitting together in concern and his lips turned downwards at the corners. "The king wishes to see you."

Ora huffed loudly.

I suppose that confirms it then. She was just being groomed to be some sort of bed warmer, well, she'd be damned if she was going to live up to those rumours. Besides, Thorin had completely left her like a fool earlier that very day.

In response Ora folded her arms tightly over her chest. "I'm sorry, m'Lord, but it is late, and-"

"It is the Gold Sickness, lass." Balin cut her off, his tone as grave as his face.

Ora's arms dropped, and guilt churned in her stomach. "Oh." Was all she could muster. "Is that why...?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so, he has been in his chambers all day. He's not in a good state."

"And he wants to see me?" Ora blinked, wrapping her robe around her tighter and picking nervously at one of the fraying hems of her sleeve.

"I'm sorry, lass, he insisted."

Ora's stomach churned uneasily, "Well, all right then. I-I suppose..."

"Come then." And without another word, and without giving Ora a chance to ask if she could change from her night clothes, Balin brushed briskly past her and towards the front door.

Just before Ora turned, she spotted Giora leaning around the kitchen door, a confused expression on his face. She just shrugged, pretending not to understand either, before following Balin like a lost sheep out the door.

The pair didn't speak a word as they ascended from the common quarters and towards the Royal Wing, although Ora wanted to ask many questions she decided against it solely based that by the solemn look on Balin's face he hardly seemed in the best of moods to answer her endless questions. So, instead, she concentrated on her feet, and how they were about to fall off due to the freezing stone floor. She began to wish she'd bothered to put some shoes on, or at least socks.

They soon ventured into a part of Erebor Ora had never been to, and it was quickly apparent to her that these were indeed the royals private quarters. She quickly shuffled closer to Balin, feeling acutely out of place in her night dress and well worn robe. Even in the low light, the walls glistened with bands and veins of gems, jewels and precious metals, all winding and displayed in intricate patterns and shapes.

When Balin came to a stop before a large, thick, oak door with iron bands and gold detailing Ora nearly made a run for it, realising this was the king's private chambers. Balin knocked twice and when a low, grumbling, although somewhat distant voice called them forth from inside, Ora grabbed Balin's arm as his hand raised towards the handle.

Noting Balin's questionable, and concerned look, Ora said in a whisper; "I can't go in there."

"Why not?" He asked, still frowning.

"Because, well, for starters, I am in my night dress, and secondly it is hardly appropriate for me to just waltz into his chambers at this hour." Honestly, she was being selfish and thinking about those ghastly rumours and the effect this may have on them. As far as she knew, no one had seen her walking with Balin towards the Royal Wing. But that was beside the point. She was still sore about earlier, even though the king had a just reason not to make their engagement, but someone could have come and informed her, surely? The bottom line was, in fact, that she felt uneasy, she felt nervous, and she was beginning to feel more and more like a pawn in a game of chess she had no control over.

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