Minho | best friends, part 1

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1934, the Japanese company Fuji Photo Film is established.

Minho scribbles the words hurriedly, and the moment the small dark dot appears at the end of the sentence, he throws the pen away, sighing. He doesn't want to write the whole note, no. He knows, you are better at doing them then he is. And he knows he can easily copy yours later. But for now, he has other things to do. Or rather, staring. At you.

Fujifilm Holdings Corporation, trading as Fujifilm, or simply Fuji, is Japanese multinational photography, imaging, printing, medical equipment, chemical, a biotechnology company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.

Minho studies your face. Your nose and your eyes, and lashes. Brows, and then forehead, cheeks and barely visible freckles under your eyes. He slides lower, to your lips, and chin, and neck, and he can't help but smiles. You in front of him, so peaceful and relaxed, sit there, writing your notes, and it makes him sigh deeply, finding unexpected peace in all that. In the lecture. And in the soft hum of the professor, reading his notes. And in the way, the sun dances on his desk. And in you.

Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. was established in 1934 as a subsidiary of Daicel to produce photographic films.

Minho smiles. Resting his head on one of his hand, he stretches another, laying it over your notebook. The wave of joy runs through his whole body when you look up at him, quickly, smiling too. "Tired?" You whisper barely audible, and Minho just nods, mesmerized by the way your lips move.

Over the following 10 years, the company produced photographic films, motion-picture films and X-ray films.

Minho stares at your hands. One of them writing something, following the professor's speech, quickly printing the words on the paper. The other lay peacefully on the desk, wooden table-top warming your palm. It takes Minho a second to reach his own hand, touch yours lightly before intertwining them together.

In the 1940s, Fuji Photo entered the optical glasses, lenses and equipment markets.

His thumbs caress your knuckles softly. His eyes travel to the window, exploring the view behind, the schoolyard, and the sports ground, and the blue-blue sky above, and the sun, too bright for his liking.

After the Second World War, Fuji Photo diversified, penetrating the medical (X-ray diagnosis), printing, electronic imaging and magnetic materials fields.

You squeeze his hand a little, glancing at the way he loses himself in nature. You want him to listen to the lecture, to learn something new. But he looks too peaceful in this sunlight. Too peaceful and too beautiful, and you don't dare to interrupt him. Of course, you will let him copy your notes later. Of course, you will. But under one condition. You will make him act cute. You know he hates it, and you know he will make it for you. Sometimes it confuses you, why he acts like this. But you just accept it. And enjoy it. Just a little.

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