Changbin | soulmate pt. 2

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And here you are again, stuck. Stuck on this street, in the darkness of this city. Alone. With this song playing in your head.

The street is narrow and empty. The street lights don't share their light with you, making you increase your speed. You know you shouldn't be scared. You know there's nothing wrong with you going out to buy yourself some food. Even though it's nighttime. Even though it's pitch black outside. Yes, you're a girl. And?

The song is still present in your ears. You weren't comfortable with the headphones. Fucking anxiety, it made you went out without them, just to be able to hear everything that's going on around you. To be in charge if the situation would– You don't like to think about the possibilities. And you aren't. The song is still present in your ears, and you go down the dark narrow street, listening to its loud guitar and drums sounds, the voice of the singer filling your whole body.

The bread. You need to buy the bread, or you won't be able to eat breakfast before work. Also, you need to buy milk. And yoghurt, and some chocolate, and you also ran out of rice and onions...

The music in your ears becomes louder, more annoying. You're trying to remember everything you need to buy at the shop, but the singer cries in your ears, missing her past life, making you growl out of helplessness. "For fucks sake!.." you stop in the middle of the street, grabbing your head, massaging the temples. "Just for one fucking evening! Can it all stop–"

And then you notice him.

It confuses you a bit at the beginning. The street is pitch dark, and for a few seconds, you can't see him clearly, the man that sits on the curb. Dark leather jacket, dark ripped jeans. Dark long bangs, falling on his face. Dark eyes, staring at nothing. You notice him only because of the radio that stands on the ground next to him. Its red lights flicker in the night to the beat of the music playing from it.

And only then do you notice the song. "Oh my God!.." your body moves on its own, your legs carrying you closer to the sitting man. You don't notice the way your voice shakes when you ask the question, almost shouting with excitement. "What– what's the name of this song?!"

"What?" The man shrugs, looking up slowly at you. It takes him some seconds to focus his eyes on you.

"The name of the song you are–" the words choke you, and you bend down, trying to catch your breath. "God... You are listening to."

The man stares at you, confused. He studies your face and the desperation that dances in your eyes. Then his eyes slide over your body, over your slightly shaking hands and tousled hair. "Paramore, decode," he answers, turning the volume down a bit. "Why?"

"How? 'Paramore'? Is it the name of the band or something?"

"Yeah, but why?.."

"Fuck," you exhale loudly, clasping your hands together. The music still plays in your ears, but now it sounds quieter, not as disturbing as it was before. "This song stacked in my head for a total month now... And, I swear, I'd never listened to it before. Never! But, somehow, I know the lyrics, and the melody..." you smile exhaustedly, running a hand through your hair. The man stares back at you, watching your every move, and you notice that he's not that old. "Anyway..." suddenly it feels strange. To talk to someone like this, in the middle of the dark empty street. Really hits you, returning you back to earth. And you cautiously take a step back, smiling apologetically to the man in front. "Thank you!.."

You're trying not to run away, trying to slow down your speed, but you're going away as fast as possible. You don't feel the fear, no. You can still feel the man's eyes on your back, but it doesn't scare you. The calmness. That's what scares you. The calmness, the confidence, the recklessness with which you approached him. As if for a second you lost your sense of self-preservation.


The sudden scream makes you jump. Your mind is not bewitched this time, telling you to run away. And you know, you need to listen to it. To ran away, to disappear, to save yourself– But you still turn away. And it surprises even you. "What?" Your voice shakes a little, when you glance at the man, running closer to you.

"I–" he gulps, stopping in front of you, running a hand through his hair. You can see him debating whether to do the next step or not, and it confuses you. What he wants to do, this man? What does he need?

"Can I–" the man smiles nervously at you, and for the first time in a month, your heart suddenly skips a beat. "What's your name?"

"Y/n. Why?" You answer too quickly, and it surprises even you.

"Just–" the man shrugs, glancing quickly at you. "Don't know... Just wanted to know your name. It's not common to find someone who knows this group and this song–"

"No!" He makes you smile apologetically at him, again. "No, I already said I'm not a fan, no. It's just– It's just a strange thing with my mind, I guess..." You freeze for a second, staring at his smiling lips, and shining eyes, and long dark lashes, and slightly rosy cheeks, and– "Anyway, nice to meet you– What's your name?"


"Okay. Nice to meet you... Changbin," you can't understand what his name makes you feel like. It slides from your tongue so naturally, so easily, as if you were used to pronouncing it for your whole life. "Thanks for the– for the help. Bye."

You glance quickly at his lips for the last time, before waving your hand at him and turning away. The wave of sadness rushes over you, filling your whole body. The feeling is too strong for you to handle, and out of the blue, you feel like crying. Your legs don't want to move, but you push them, making one small step away. And then another step. And another one–

"Wait! Y/n, wait!"

You feel an arm reaching for your shoulder gently, and you quickly turn back to him. This time he stands closer, you can see every little detail of his slightly red face.

"Do you–" he gulps, quickly withdrawing his hand. "Do you have plans for the night? I mean..." He chuckles, quickly looking away, embarrassed. "Do you want to hang out with me?.. I was planning to grab something to eat and was thinking maybe you would want to... To go with me."

"Oh..." Your heart beats too fast in your chest, you're afraid he might hear it. "I– I was planning to have dinner at home and all..."

"We can talk about music," Changbin smiles reassuringly, stepping back a little as if noticing you needed more space. "I can share some stuff with you about music, and you can share your songs with me too..."

You glance quickly at him, thinking hard, "Really?"


"Does the place we're planning to go make delicious food?"

Changbin smiles brightly, nodding eagerly at you, "Damn, yes. The best burgers of them all."

"Okay, then, I'm in," you smile, nodding. Changbin smiles too and turns to the right, ready to show the way. You go after him, smiling, the song slowly fading from your mind as if someone slowly removes the sound.

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