Felix | fireworks

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Like fireworks. Something that started so unexpectedly, with gentle pecks and soft chuckles. Something so innocent and pure at the beginning. And now it feels like fireworks. Like thousands of fireworks exploding inside Felix's chest, driving him insane.

Your lips. He stared at them for too long today, wondering how do they taste like. He knew he wasn't a reserved one. He knew at some point today he would find out about them, about their taste. He just calmly waited for this moment to come. And when it did come, he became the happiest person alive.

Your body. He's amazed at how perfectly it fits in his arms. You're sitting on his laps, hands around his neck, lips on his lips, and he can't stop trailing down your sides. He wants you closer. Even more, than you're right now.

"What–" he smiles, hearing his voice. It sounds harsh and low, and shaky a little, and Felix can't help but feel a bit embarrassed by it. Maybe he's overexaggerating, maybe his reaction is too much. And he looks up at you, hoping you feel the same, "What are you doing to me?"

You smile, leaning back a little, allowing a little space between you two, because it's too much for you, to feel how his lips move against yours when he speaks. "Don't know," you shrug, closing your eyes, your hands moving smoothly against his skin. "But I like it."

Like fireworks. Your words are like fireworks. Bright, and colourful, and loud, they make Felix's heart jump happily in his chest. And he squeezes you a bit tighter, moves you a bit closer, just to show you how excited he is.

Like fireworks. Your lips taste like fireworks when Felix leans in. Finally. The minutes you two were talking, seem like an eternity to him, and he doesn't want to hold back anymore. Drowning in pillows, he leans back, even more, dragging you along, laying you on him, making you feel every inch of his body.

Like fireworks. You two are like fireworks. Bright, and colourful, and hot, and happy. The room is dark and cold a bit, but you two are on his bed, shining brighter than ever.

Like fireworks. It all feels like fireworks.

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