Hyunjin | home

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Home smells like the fried chicken which (Hyunjin is sure about that) you ordered for dinner again. He enters your flat quietly, hoping to stay unnoticed as long as it's possible. He really wants to catch you on eating those juicy chicken breasts without him.

Home smells like apple candles from IKEA. At first, Hyunjin hated their smell, too fake, too sour, too far from reality. But the last time you both went to IKEA you bought 4 of them, and as time passed by, as you methodically burnt them one by one he fell in love with them without even noticing it. The same way he fell in love with you.

Home smells like tangerines. Hyunjin takes his shoes silently, throwing the sports bag to the floor. He tries to open it up quietly, almost swears when the zipper doesn't want to cooperate, but then exhales in relief, finally opening the bag and taking out a big orange box. It hasn't even been a week, but he bought them again, those giant tangerines from Jeju. You love them too much, and Hyunjin loves you.

Home is your first smile when you notice him. The brightest, the loveliest of the smiles you ever give him. Hyunjin treasures it so much he even tries not to blink the second he comes out of the dark hallway to the brightness of your kitchen.

He loves that moment with his whole heart, a few long seconds when you sit there, doing your thing, your face cold and emotionless, and then you turn your head and look at him and smile, and his knees become weak every freaking time you do so. And still, he would never give up on it, on this your first smile.

"Hey," your voice sounds harsh and low, the cause of you sitting in silence for hours. But Hyunjin still feels goosebumps running up and down his neck when he hears it.

"Hey, beautiful," he tries to hold it in, the love, the adoration that wants to slip out but fails fruitlessly. It breaks free when his legs bring him to your chair, when his fingertips land on the top of your head, caressing it lightly.

The love bursts out when you reach out to him and his lips find your temple, then your cheekbone and earlobe and down to your neck. His kisses feel strong, hot, too real for the reality you both are in. But it doesn't matter because you both can't stop enjoying it, the closeness, the warmth of each other.

"I was too hungry and started eating, sorry," you exhale into his lips, the smile giving you out, showing that you aren't that sincere about your apology.

"I would've made a fuss about it, but your kisses are stopping me," Hyunjin chuckles in return, biting your cheek instead.

For Hyunjin, home is where you are. And even if he travels the whole day, runs from one part of the city to another, visits never-ending meetings and events, he still comes back to you in the end. Because home is where you are.

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