Hyunjin | neighbour

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Breath in. You're trying not to look at him, but your eyes return to his figure like magnets, and you can't do anything about it.

His hair is a little messy. His home clothes a little crumbled from lying on your couch for hours. His eyes, dark and tired, staring at you with so much softness you feel like melting right there, on this cold and grey stairwell. And his smile. Do you really need to add something more?

It's common for you two to spend the evenings like this. Every day exactly at 7 pm he knocks at your door with some snacks in his hands, smiling. And every time he makes himself comfortable in your flat as if it's his own home. Throws his clothes around, leaves candy wrappers all around your coffee table while watching doramas on your tv. Hyunjin explains it by saying that his internet connection becomes worse in the evenings and that he can't spend days without watching movies. And of course, you fall for his lies every time.

"Good night, y/n," Hyunjin smiles at you with his eyes, wrinkles appearing around them making him even more soft looking.

Suddenly it feels too sad, to say goodbye like this, and you stand there on your doorstep hugging your arms, shivering. You can't understand why his words make you feel like this, but emptiness fills your whole heart the moment he pronounces his last goodbye. But what can you do?

"Yeah, good night, Hwang," you nod, not quite understanding what are you talking about. He turns your head off every time he looks at you, and you admitted that a long time ago. If only he knew...

"The movie was good," Hyunjin leans on his door, crossing his arms on his chest. You can't agree nor disagree on that because you can't remember anything but his face. You weren't paying that film any of your attention, "Yeah, I guess..."

"You guess?" His chuckles ring in your ears, bright and loud. "But you were watching it with me!"

You don't want to be caught. No, not now and not here. "Yeah, I was," you nod, smiling, trying to play it cool.

"Name the main characters, y/n," Hyunjin grins at you, satisfaction evident in his voice, soft and sweet like honey. And it makes chills run down your spine because now you need to safe yourself.

"Are you kidding me?" You sound offended, and he notices it. But it only makes him smile even more.

"If you haven't stared at me the whole film you would've known that."

Here. You hate this moment with your whole heart. Because here, finally you're caught. And you don't have a plan B.

"I–" you look away, your own nails digging deeper into the skin on your forearm. "I wasn't staring."

"Don't lie. You were. Today, yesterday and the day after," Hyunjin enjoys it too much, and you hate how big his smile is. "I noticed it all, y/n."

Now you know you need to run. Because what else can you do?

"You're wrong," your voice trembles a little when you say those words, a bit too loud for your liking. But you know they won't affect him. Because now he knows, and you feel so embarrassed you just want to disappear. "I'm sorry, Hyunjin, but you're wrong. Good night, I have a morning shift tomorrow–"

You step back into your warm flat, ready to close your door. And for the first time through this evening, the smile leaves Hyunjin's lips, making a worried expression climb on there instead.

"No, wait!" It takes him two big steps to get closer to your door, and now he's clutching to it, his knuckles white as if his life depends on it. "Y/n, wait."

"What?" You can't lie here, you're afraid. Oh God, how afraid you are.

"I–" Hyunjin looks away, and again, it surprises you how shy and nervous he became in a matter of seconds. And you can't understand why. Why and how he became like this. "I know you like me..."

There. The words you were so afraid to say. But it surprises you how chill and normal they sound coming from his mouth. As if it was meant to be like this.

"I know you like me, y/n," Hyunjin smiles, finally looking back at you. "And– And I think I like you too."

You stare at him. How he bites his lower lip, trying to stop the nervous smile from appearing on his face. How his cheeks are flushed, eyes running back and forth, not daring to hold the gaze. And you want to do something about it, to step forward and hug him or maybe step back and close the door in front of his face. But you're frozen. On this spot, the words stuck in your throat, lungs screaming for air.

"Y/n, are you–" a nervous chuckle leaves his lips, and Hyunjin shakes his head, embarrassed. "Are you here?"

It takes you a minute to answer because your mind is blank. No words, no emotions left. "Yeah, I am..."

"I don't think you are," his voice suddenly becomes a whisper, a soft, barely audible one. But you still hear it, because suddenly he takes a step closer, hands no more clutching to your poor door. "Y/n, y/nnn..."


"I want to kiss you."

This time it takes you one second to answer, "Then kiss me."

The stairwell is cold and grey, and your bare feet are freezing, staying there on your wooden doorstep. But Hyunjin's palms are hot, cupping your cheeks. And his lips are soft and gentle peppering yours with millions of small kisses. And you swear your heart is ready to jump out of your chest how freaking good it feels.

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