Jisung | drunk confession

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He stares, and he doesn't even try to hide it. Maybe he's too wasted, maybe he just doesn't care anymore. But he stares, and it makes your stomach swirl.

He drinks. The liquid burns his throat, slides down to his stomach. His world spins, the alcohol tickling his lips, making him braver. He knows he can't do this while sober, and he takes another huge, long gulp, wondering is it enough. Is he drunk enough? Is he ready?

For you, it seems like he's trying to drown something in these colourful drinks, the way he swallows them with a little frown on his face as if he must do it. And it makes you feel worried. Is he–

You glance at him one more time, noticing his heavy stare on you, and the question slips from your lips, a soft whisper, "Is he alright?"

You know, he can't hear you. But you do care. You do care a lot.

When you come closer to him, he can't help but smile. His smile is a little clouded by the alcohol he has drunk, and still, his eyes start shining a little, his fingertips tickle from how much he wants to intertwine his hands with yours.

"Hey, Ji," you sit down next to him, and he immediately puts a pillow on your laps. You wonder, does he do this for himself or because of all the men around, but he smiles at you, and your smile back, something warm swirling inside your stomach. "Ji," you sigh, moving a bit closer, fighting the urge to grab his hand. "Ji, are you okay?"

He stares at you. Long and dreamy as if for a second he forgot how to speak. But then he takes a glass in his hands and gulps it to the bottom in one swift moment, and everything becomes clear for you. No, he's not alright.

"Do you– Do you maybe want me to help y–"

"I want to kiss wine from your lips," he interrupts you swiftly, without a way to retort. "You know, y/n... I don't even like wine but I think, I might like it this way."

The world spins. You try to breathe, but he keeps staring at you, exhaustedly waiting for your answer. You stare back at the way he sits, at the way he holds the empty glass in his hands, the way his cheeks are a bit red, the way his eyes are dark. And you know, you need to answer. And actually, you can't wait anymore.

"Ji," you glance away for a swift second, trying hard to hide a smile. "I didn't drink alcohol today, baby, but– if you want to taste cola, you can do it"

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