Hyunjin | friends to lovers

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Stage 1. "Friends"

The smell in the girls' bathroom is weird, and Hyunjin winces, glancing at the walls with a falling-off white paint. He blinks twice, noticing his reflection in the dirty mirror, and sighs.

"Y/n, dear, come out of there," he tries again, knocks on your door lightly, hoping for you to notice him. "How long are you going to spend there?"

"Leave me alone, Jinnie," the sob breaks your sentence in two. Hyunjin rolls his eyes. Cry-baby y/n appeared at the wrong time, and even though he had a soft spot for that type of y/n, right now all he wanted is to run away from here. Take you with him and skip the next class at the nearby bakery.

"Hey," the picture of apple and strawberry buns, rich creamy cheesecakes and chocolate croissants cloud his mind, and Hyunjin takes a step closer to the door, willing to make you leave this freaking place. "I know it was an extremely important exam, and I know it can help you enter the college,"
Hyunjin curses himself for how unconvincing he sounds. "But, baby, it's okay. You failed, yeah, but they gave you the second chance."

And it was true. The teacher gave you the second chance, you had enough time to prepare, everything was fine. Hyunjin couldn't understand the fuss.

"What—" the lock clicks, and you open the door hesitantly. Hyunjin stares at your u red eyes and red cheeks, and can't help but to chuckle softly at that. "What if I'll screw it up again?"

Your last words die out in his chest. You press your wet face right to one of his favourite hoodies, and it takes all the nerves for Hyunjin to hold it back and pretend he's okay with his hoodie being dishonoured like this.

"You won't," he sighs, hugging your shoulders. Your broken frame makes him feel bad and soft at the same time. "You have enough time, you'll prepare well, and then you'll pass that damn test. I believe in you."

"Thank you, Jinnie," your "thank you" sounds like love, and Hyunjin gladly accepts it.

"Anytime, babe," he shrugs and awkwardly pats your head. "Let's go to the bakery. I'll help you study."

The way you look at him is love, and Hyunjin feels the happiest when he recognises it in your eyes. And he knows, he looks at you the same way.

Stage 2. "To"

For you, it is the way he bites on his lip when he tries to concentrate. You don't know how you never noticed this habit of him. But now, all you can see is his lip grassed between his teeth while he studies for an upcoming maths test.

For him, it's the way you stare. Shamelessly, openly and persistently. Your eyes wander up and down his face, his neck and shoulders, his chest and arms, and he feels your stares even through the thickness of two layers of his clothes. He pretends he doesn't know about them, but he always screams internally every time you decide to have your staring session.

For you, it's the way he hugs you. Leans his whole body on yours, clings to your side like a freaking velcro. Warm, soft, freaking HUGGABLE, he steals your heart away every time he leans his head on your shoulder and slides his hands around your back.

For him, it's the way you smile. The wrinkles that appear around your eyes, the way your lips change their shape, stretch out, exposing your teeth. He knows your smiles are different, and he loves every one of them. Every sarcastic one, every pure joy one, every happy and every sad one.

He started noticing those small things recently, and he did question them, their meaning, the place they were now taking up in his brain. But was it normal? Was it common? To fall for your friend.

You started noticing those small things since Christmas, and you did question them. Even though their meaning was clear to you, you still couldn't understand whether you were ALLOWED to notice them and, later, collect them. But one thing was clear. You did fall for your friend.

Stage 3. "Lovers"

Is it a date? Can he ask you that?

Hyunjin shakes his head fiercely. What a fool! How can he ask you that if he was the one who invited you?

You sit beside him, carelessly sipping your pear lemonade. The rooftop of his house is hot, hit up by the spring's sun. Hyunjin also feels hot, the sun's heat beating down on his head, your beautiful smile a few meters away from him.

Hyunjin wants to ask you if the lemonade you're drinking is delicious. He would love to taste it by himself, of course. From your lips, for sure. It's not for nothing that he chose to drink iced coffee on purpose. But he's not sure whether it's a date or not, and it drives him insane.

"Is the lemonade delicious?" Hyunjin is good at playing dumb sometimes, so why not use that?

"Yeah, why?" You glance at him, taking another sip. Hyunjin tries not to stare at the way your lips touch the straw. He knows if he will continue thinking about that, he can easily clarify himself as mad.

"Was just wondering," he shrugs. Suddenly, his iced coffee tastes too bitter. "Is just pear lemonade? Or does it have other ingredients?"

You eye him suspiciously and then glance at your half-emptied glass. "I— I don't know? I'm not the barista, but I'm pretty sure they added a basilica there. I saw them adding the powder..." You take another sip of your lemonade, trying to divide flavours, separate the strong pear flavour from the faint basilica one. "Why are you so interested in my lemonade, by the way?"

"I—" Hyunjin finds an excuse quickly. "I was DREAMING to try this lemonade for ages, but couldn't do it."

"You should've bought it then," you reason, but can't help and smirk, taking another sip. A good chance to tease Hwang Hyunjin? Sign me up!

"But I bought an iced coffee instead," Hyunjin frowns, showing you his cup. You stare at his pouted lips and sad big eyes and give up eventually.

"Want to taste mine?" You expect to see a smile on his face or, maybe, a glimpse in his eyes. But the only thing he does is just starting. At you and at the glass in your hands. "Hey, what's now? Don't you want to drink from the same straw or—"

The last words never leave your lips because he quickly kisses them away.

"Ya! Hwang Hyunjin, you—"

You can't end this sentence as well. He can't stop laughing, but it doesn't prevent him from scooping closer and stealing the words from your lips once again.

"Delish," he mumbles, licking the taste from his lips. "You were right, I can taste the basilica, and—"

This time, it's his turn to be shut up. But he's so happy, he can't complain.

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