Hyunjin | neck kisses

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"Y/n, stop staring at me," Hyunjin smiles nervously, fixing his sleeves that are trying to come down.

"I'm not staring, boy," you laugh it all, quickly turning away. He caught you. Again. For the hundredth time today.

The kitchen is small, warm and yellow. Smells like apples, and butter, and a little like coffee, the one Hyunjin made for you the moment you came to his flat.

You didn't know what you were doing here, in his flat. But here you were, sitting on the barstool, arms on his table, staring at his back while he was making dough for his apple pie. The day went too quickly, you forget to do some things from your to-do list, almost tripped over on the stairs at the mall, and starved yourself for a few hours, being too lazy to go out and grab something to eat. Your mind calmed himself down the moment you stepped into his flat, small and cosy, the moment he helped you take your coat off and handed you the cup of coffee. And you lost yourself again, in him, in his gentleness and care. Your friend was too good to you. Hyunjin was too good. Too good to be just a friend.

"Are you busy staring at me?" Hyunjin chuckles looking back at you quickly, eyes shining. "Or can you help me?"

You like it, the way he always tries to do everything together, always makes you do some little things, help him in a little way. It makes you so happy, being so close to him, helping him at least for a bit, pretending, imagining you two living together, doing it all on the daily basis–

"Y/n," he calls again, rolling his eyes, pretending to be annoyed. "Don't space out, and come here. I really need your help."

The oven is already turned on, and you can feel its warmth dancing on your cheeks when you come closer, ready to help. Hyunjin hands you a bowl of sliced apples, brushing your fingertips lightly, making you shrug. "Arrange them in the baking dish," he smiles, taking a step back, making a room for you.

The apples are a little sticky, sugary juice envelops your fingertips in a moment you get them out of the bowl, ready to spread them out carefully. Your hands are shaking a little, the cause of being stared at. You feel like roles were reversed, Hyunjin now standing behind you, his eyes dancing on your back. And you know you can't argue with him, because he's right. He's always right. It's uncomfortable, to be stared at. And you should stop–

His hands. Too light, too hesitant, too shaky, they sneak slowly around your waist. Suddenly. Unexpectedly. Out of nowhere. Making you freeze on the spot, shut your eyes as close as you can just to be able to feel it. To feel it to the fullest.

"What are you–"

His body interrupts you. Pressing his chest to your back, his head on your shoulder, his blond, a little too long hair tickling your cheek. And all you want is to swear as loud as possible, but you can't even breathe, your heart trying to kill you with its speed.

"You were staring at me, even more, today, y/n," Hyunjin whispers, laughing lightly, almost tiredly, and it tickles your ears. "What's with you these days?"

"Do I annoy you?" You blurt it out, the scariest thing of them all. The thought you were having for days now. He can hear the fear, it's too visible in your voice. And he shakes his head a little in disagreement, "No."

"Then why does it bother you?"

He sighs, his chin rests on your shoulder, "Because it makes me think."


"About your lips on my neck," his words are barely audible, barely visible in the air between you two. "And it drives me fucking insane," he sighs, almost exhaustedly, his hands leaving your body. "So I kindly ask you to stop staring."

It makes you turn to face him, and you make it a little too quickly your head spins, "Why?"

"Because I know you won't kiss me."

You had this thought before. The possibility. The one in a million chance. Of him liking you back. But it was so unrealistic, so dreamy, and so wrong you tried to shut it down. Every fucking time. Not giving it even the smallest chance to become true.

And now here he was, right in front of you. Eyes big and sad, lips smiling this fake, "everything is okay" smile, hands trying to handle to something in order not to shake. And it all makes you smile. Because, here it is, your chance. The one you were so afraid to think about.

It takes you one small step to come closer. One long second to slide your hands around his shoulders, finally hugging him the way you always wanted to. You can't see his face, and you can't look him in his eyes. You chose to focus on his neck instead. It takes you another long second to choose the right spot, a little higher, closer to his jawline. The moment your lips make contact with his skin you can't stop smiling.

"I kissed you," your whisper is soft and gentle, because you know it can tickle him, your lips moving against his skin, and you know he hates it. You look up at him slowly, trying not to lose yourself in his bleary eyes, "Can I continue staring at you from now on?"

It takes him a second to reply, "Yes, if you'll let me kiss you for real."

And you can't hide a happy chuckle, that leaves your lips, "Go ahead."

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