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A/N - the italics is Spanish in advance sorry if its wrong i don't speak any Spanish its just a feature of her character (she is Cuban) please let me know if i'm wrong and i will change it and if she says something and it isn't obvious or explained I'll put what she says in brackets x.

Pre Thomas 

Darkness. The fear of the unknown. Silence filled the unknown room, crowded with crates, a trio of chickens and a girl. A girl with long, wavy copper brown hair and olive skin. She looked no older than 15 maybe 16, drenched in a mix of water and sweat she slowly awoke from unconsciousness only to remember

... nothing ... not what she looked like, sounded like. She couldn't even remember something as simple as her name. |Suddenly, the confined room jolted and rose up at an intense speed. She grabs onto one of the crates and pulls herself up only for the room to jolt aggressively. Falling over on to the ground again she accidentally pulled down the crate she was using for support. The lid of the crater detaches from the impact and survival supplies fall out of the crate, she spots a small but very lethal knife, she grabs it not knowing if she may need to defend herself or not wherever the confined elevator is taking her.

As quickly as it began the box skidded to a halt. Slowly standing up getting ready to defend herself, she could hear distant shouts and laughters. Knowing there were unknown people here the girl slowly backed into a corner of the mesh wire cage against her back, she steadily held the knife handle in her hand hiding the blade of it against her forearm. The chatting and movements started to get louder meaning that they were making their way towards the box. The doors in the ceiling opened to reveal a blazing sun, in the mist of raising her empty hand to her eyes, she heard voices asking what's in the box.

Feeling the box slightly jolt at the knew weight of another person in the cage with her she slowly removed her arm from her face, as her eyes slowly adjust, she heard the presence infront of her speak:

"It's a bloody girl!"

Directing her eyes to the owner of the voice she looked up seeing a taller figure compared to her but couldn't see what he looked like due to the backdrop of this sun. As the commotion above her stated to rapidly rising higher and higher she heard certain voices make very inclined comments about her:

"I call dibs!"

"Is she hot?"

"Definitely a slopper or cook!"

Along with other comments. She looked around to identify any signs of threats or a way out only to see a group of around 15 teenage boys covered in sweat and dirt. Whilst in the middle of assessing her surroundings for all she assumed, the boy was cautiously walking towards her, not making her want to feel uncomfortable. As he slowly reached to her shoulder hoping to grab her attention to at least reassure the scared girl.

Before anyone could react the girl hand grabbed the boy's arm pulling him her way, she swiftly moved out the way and held the boys back against the cage with his chest facing her way. She clutched the once concealed knife against the guy's throat adding a threatening enough amount of pressure with the blade, her other hand having a bunched up amount of his dark green t-shirt also holding him against the wall. The boy looked slightly down at hre due to his height, his face held a mix of fear, amusement and pride.

The brunette girl looked up at him meeting a pair of familiar yet at the same time completely unfamiliar chocolate crown eyes.

"dónde diablos estoy?!"

The girl started shapely. The boys all looked around in confusion having never heard anyone speak another language apart from english.

"Hey lady, speak english!"

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