7. Let the Night Commence

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Minho leaned against the wall as Athena and Thomas looked at an unconscious Alby on the floor "What happened to him?" Thoomas asked, looking at Minho.

"What does it look like? He got stung," Minho announced, causing Athena to back away from the body and sit next to Minho.

"What happened to his head?"

"I did what I had to do."

Athena was deep in thought trying to think of a plan to get all four of them out of the maze alive. They needed to get back. She needed to get back.She was afraid what would happen with Newt if at least her or Minho didn't make it back. A close by sheireek sounded through the maze interrupting her thoughts, the group stood up getting ready to move. "Um, ok. All right, help me get him up." Thomas commanded the pair.

"We gotta go," Minho stated while starting to walk off.

"Woah, woah, Woah, and where are you going." Athena asked the boy.

"The maze is changing," he said, completely ignoring her question.

"Hey, Minho!" Thomas started getting the boys attention, still knelt by Alby's body. "We can't just leave him here, and Athena can't carry him.

Play - Ready For It by Taylor Swift - on repeat

He turned to look at the pair, he walked towards Thomas and grabbed one of Albys arms and threw them over his shoulder, Thomas doing the same, and Athena trailed behind, her sword in hand making sure nothing crept up behind them and remembering their path at the same time. As the four walked through the maze, the sky slowly got darker and darker, "Go straight ahead," Athena announced their rout as the two boys carried their unconscious leader.

"We should set him down. Set him down." Minho said to Thomas, putting Alby on the floor against the wall.

"Well, we aren't being followed, which is good, but we can't keep carrying him around, that's a death trap in itself." Athena announced once catching up to the boys.

Another shriek sounded through the maze, once again sounding close "This isn't gonna work. We gotta go." Minho announced becoming more and more anxious for his life, "We gotta go!" he said as got up and dragged Athena away by her arm.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, what are you talking about?" Thomas questioned. "We gotta do something, we gotta hide him."

"Where Thomas? there's where to hide," Athena answered while snatching her arm back from Minhos grip.

"I don't know, Minho Athena just think.You're telling me there's not a single place we could take him?" Thomas anxiously questioned the two.

The more Thomas carried on, the more angry Minho got, as Thomas finished his question the boy's patience snapped, and he pinned the boy sat on the floor against the wall, as Athena leant back on the corresponding wall flooding her arms and watching the situation play out. "Listen to me Shuckface, all right? Take a look around. There's nowhere to go!" Minho released Thomas' shirt and turned to Athena; "Come on." He said as he walked away she didn't move an inch all she did was stare at the ivy above her, making a plan but also ignoring the replaying memories in her head. Minho turned round to see he wasn't getting followed and stared at the two, "You don't get it. We're already dead."

"Sorry to interrupt the melodramatic moment but i may have thought of a place to keep Alby." Athena said while walking to the corner of the wall to see the side of it filled with ivy and vines. Thomas stood up and stood beside her as Minho did the same, the three looked at eachother and the boys went to grab Alby as she climbed to get the vines and set up the harness and everything else they needed.

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