21. Sneaky

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Play - Natural by Imagine Dragons - on repeat





Samantha" Janson called out the names from the file as the group sat in the cafeteria the next day.

"I wanna know what's through that door." Thomas mumbled staring at the man.

Newt turned to his right and looked at him, as Janson continued to call names.

"Now, we've been over this.You said they were covered up, so you don't know what you saw. It could have been anything under there." Newt scolded.

"I know exactly what I saw. They were bodies." Thomas explained as the group looked at him, Athena just carried on looking down and pulling the sleeves of her grey zip up hoodie, also wearing black cotton shorts, a grey cropped tank top and some high top black converse. "Aris said they bring in a new batch every night."

"Who the hell is Aris?" Minho asked. As they all glanced at the lonely brunette Minho turned back towards Thomas, "Well, I'm sold."

"And last, but not least, David." Janson exclaimed, "Thank you all for your attention. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

As Janson led the group towards the door Thomas looked over to see a guard open it with a key card, "Okay, until we know anything for certain, we should just keep our heads down. And try not to draw any attention to ourselves, all right?" Newt told as he looked round the group. Completely ignoring his friend Thomas stood up and marched his way over to the door, "What is he doing?"

"I think he's drawing attention to himself." Frypan replied.

Getting to the door Thomas was forcefully stopped by the two guards. "Whoa, hang on. You weren't called." the guard said smugly.

"I know, I'm just going to be a second."

"This is a restricted area, kid." the other guard spoke up.

"I just wanna see my friend. Can you let me through?" Thomas pleaded.

"Get your ass back in that chair." the smug guard told as he poked Thomas in the chest.

Trying to run past them, and being pushed off, the group stood up to stop the situation, Athena and Minho being the first on their way. "Back off!" the guard yelled,

"What's your problem, man? What the hell, huh?" Thomas said shoving him back."

As Minho grabbed Thomas Athena pushed the guard off him, "Hey, leave him alone!" she yelled getting in his face distracting him from Thomas.

"Control your friend!" He yelled right back at her coming in closer.

Janson ran between the two, "What's happening here?" he said looking at the group and the guards. "Thomas? I thought we could trust each other. Athena. You remember the little rule just for you." he said looking at the pair. Looking at the guards at the other corners of the room she saw all of them had a tight grip on their guns and slightly pointing at her. Her friends realising this as well "You know we're all on the same team here."

He said with a clenched jaw, and grabbing on to Thomas' shoulder, which Athena immediately picked up on.

"Are we?" Thomas asked

As Janson avoided eye contact, it just proved all the more what Athena already knew. She had the exact same files they claimed to have already had, They knew exactly everyone's clothing size, the clenched jaw and avoiding eye contact from Janson. It all fell into place.

Glancing at Athena, meeting her ruthlessness of a glare, "Get them to their bunks." He commanded.



"Get you asses in there! All of you!" the guards commanded as they pushed everyone into their room. And forcefully locking the door behind them.

"What the hell was that about?" Minho asked Thomas.

"You didn't really think they were just going to let you through?" Newt commented

"Nah, of course I didn't." he replied and looked towards the short girl who pulled out the guards key-card from her back pocket and threw it to Thomas which he caught. "I'm gonna find out what's on that side of the door."

"Right" Frypan muttered.

"Newt, they're hiding something. Okay? These people are not who they say they are."

"No, Thomas you don't know that!" Newt exclaimed. "The only thing that we do know is they helped rescue us from WCKD. They gave us new clothes. They gave us food. They gave us a proper bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time."

"Ye, but.."

"Some of us a lot longer than others."

"But we do know that." Athena spoke up.

As everyone turned to look at the girl, the first time she had spoken up in a while. "What?" Newt asked, clearly becoming more annoyed with the whole situation.

"Has it not crossed your mind that when it came to clothes they got all out sizes perfectly. Or when it came to our Medical check ups they knew exactly what we needed. Or even when some of us got skill checked they knew exactly what it was." her voice started to raise.

"They said they got Wicked's files Thea. They got them when they got us from the lab." Newt said, still angry the group just watching the argument.

"Well they couldn't because I got them first!" She yelled back.

"What do you mean you got them first?" Minho asked.

"I saw them in the lab and I put them in my bag. I only got five of them. But when I was talking to Janson, he talked about the same stuff on the file I already have. When I asked him where he got them from I could tell he was blatantly lying. When did they possibly get them from the lab. No one was there long enough." Looking round the group she stopped to see an angry but more disappointed face of Newt staring at the ground.

"And I know that more than anything you guys wanted to believe that you were safe. That we were free. But will we ever really be free." as she said this she could see them all mentally agree with her.

Before anyone could say anything, a rattling noise could be heard in the vent. As the vent opening slid across the floor, Aris popped out. "Hey, Thomas. Thea."

"What the ..." Frypan said confused as the group took a step back

"You got it didn't you?" He asked looking at Athena.

"Yeah. Yeah. Let's go." Thomas replied. "All right, look, maybe you guys are right. Maybe i'm just being paranoid and maybe Athena's situation is a coincidence. But I got to find out for sure. Just cover for me. I'll be back as soon as I can." as he said that he slid under his bed and into the vent leaving the rest of the group behind.

Newt glanced at Athena who was walking to her bed, she reached behind her and under her hoodie and pulled out a small handgun that had been on the guards belt, just like the key card. As she threw it on the end of the bed she fell onto her bed and just looked at the bottom of the top bunk, as the rest of the group was still crowded round the vent opening.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N - Sorry for the short chapter today. I will also be starting a Jughead Jones fanfic in the next week if you want to check that out. I will obviously will be carrying this one on too. but easter is coming up and due to covid i haven't got anything else to do.

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