12. Run

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Song; Run Boy Run - Woodkid - play later

slight TW; self harm (it's faintly mentioned but skip last paragraph if you don't want to read it)

The sky darkened as the young teens all between the ages of lowest 9 and highest of 15, where being led out of the school like building in three separate lines. A line of all girls and one boy. A line of all boys. A line of all boys and one girl. A middle aged woman stood in front of a forest of tall trees and rocks on the ground, she had pale white hair matched with pale skin. A man with short black hair wore a black coat and what appeared to be a timer in his hand as he stood next to the woman, along with a young brunette girl stood next to the mid 40's woman, wearing a lab coat and also a timer. "Alright," the woman spoke up, "Candidates of the WCKD trails, it's time to put your survival skills to the test.'' The large crowd of kids staring at her, "Now you all know how this test goes, Group B will be the hunters, Groups A and C will be the runners. We know running is not most of your skills but you still need to participate. Remember your life, and more importantly the world counts on it. You will have to stick with your group if you get separated that's fine but absolutely no mixing with another group. Once I blow my whistle Group A and C will run into the woods, and try and get as many of their group back, you will be timed. On my second blow of my whistle all of Group B will be released if they get you, you're out but feel free to fight back if you have the skills too. Now Group A will be timed by Janson and Group C timed by Teresa, will each group head to their starting areas you can come up with a plan, and Group B figure out your main targets."

The crowd of teenagers split into their groups; as the group dominated by boys and only one girl met up, a dark haired Asian boy spoke up. "So I think we can all agree when I say our four best runners are me,Newt,Athena and Thomas yes?" he asked the group who all nodded. "Right so if we think about this correctly we will be their main targets so Alby, you lead the group around the outside of the forest to the safe zone us four can distract Group C." A chorus of agreements sounded through the group.

"But what about us who can't run well?" George asked.

"I guess this is the best time to learn then isn't it." Minho sassily replied.

The majority of the Group headed closer to the forest edge to let the four runners plan out the rest of their part, "So what's our bloody plan then?" The blonde haired boy asked.

"Whenever they get close to the group distract them and run the other way." Thomas said.

The boys looked at each other realising how quiet the small latina girl beside them was being; "Thea you alright love?" Newt asked.

Her muscles ached from training earlier in the day. She had a bruise on her cheek and bandages around her bruised knuckles. "Ye, I'm fine just trying to clear my head." she answered looking up at the boys.


play - Run Boy Run by Woodkid - now


Before they could reply the white haired woman spoke up, "Groups to your starting places."

The four went to the front of the line and stood beside Alby, Gally and Ben. "We run to the left, you take the group to the right; use Gally, Ben and other strong runners to distract if you have too but get there quick." Athena said looking at the dark skinned boy, who nodded in reply.

"Three," the women began; the group getting ready to run.

"Two," with one last glance the seven at the front all looked at each other,

"One!" and she blew the whistle.

The two groups ran off Group C mainly sticking to the left side of the forest and Group A on the right side; only leaving Athena,Newt,Thomas and Minho in the middle. Running as fast as they could the four split up as the forest got thicker and larger, hearing a whistle once again in the distance indicated that Group C was now after them. As Athena ran she heard shouting behind her "Come on Aris, she's over here!" looking over her shoulders she saw two girls and a boy running after her.

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