45. Halye Markson

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Play - Hit Me With your Best Shot by ADONA 

Steadily walking towards the tall heavily secured building, a guard walked up beside Teresa, escorting her into the building.

"Don't stop." Thomas said to her as they walked into the building. Both being cleared through the scanners.

As the two kept walking they walked into another guard in front of them, their uniform red. After a few moments the three headed off together.


Walking into the building mask covering the bottom part of her face, as she walked in, she was stopped by a guard the same height as her. "May we help you?" he asked, his voice muffled due to the uniform.

"Yes, i'm here to see Teresa. I have an appointment at seven." Athena said, changing her voice slightly.


"Haley Markson" Athena replied.

After checking through the intercoms about it the man looked back at her, "I'll escort you to her lab." As the pair walked through the man's hand on Athena's back was too low for comfort. "So, how old are you?" the man asked.

"Seventeen." she replied.

"So your not immune?"

"No, but my brother and sister are, three and seven."

"Just you three?" he asked as they turned a corner.


Getting round to the full corner they looked forward to see Teresa being escorted by two guards.


"Teresa." A voice shouted from behind the three, they turned round to see 'Haley' with a guard. "Would you like me to take her up to your office?" the man asked her.

"Yes, please." Teresa replied.

The two started walking off, the three turned round and noticing how uncomfortable Athena just was. Looking at the pair, they saw the man's hand had traveled from her back down to her arse. "Newt." Thomas warned Newt seeing him about to walk after them. "She's fine. She can handle it."

The three walked down the stairs onto the lower floor, walking past another entrance, a guard joined them and walked in front of them. Using Teresa's thumbprint the four walked into the staircase, the electrical source on the wall. "Hold on, hold on." Gally said looking at it. "I can get in here," he said, taking off his helmet.

"Stay here. Throw me the walkie." Thomas asked, as Gally threw it Thomas went further down stairs to check for others.

Just as Newt took off his helmet he went into a fit of coughs. Looking increasingly more ill than before. Seeing a wide eyed Teresa staring at him he turned around leaning on the railing. Teresa finally understands Athena.

"Frypan, we're in. how are you doing?" Thomas asked, walking back to the group as Gally cut into the circuit.


"Yeah, i'm getting there." Fry said as he paused climbing up the crane. "Tell Minho 'hi', for me."

"Hang in there buddy." Thomas replied.


Opening the circuit Gally looked at grabbing a few wires. "This will work." he said.

"Brenda, what's your status."


"Status is, i'm working on it." Brenda replied as she hid at the front of the bus.

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