4. The Changing

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Blue lights flashed by. At first he thought it was just a dream, but it all felt too familiar, as his eyes scan around for what he could tell looks like a lab. On the walls had holograms of brains, and screens full of what looked like the Glade. He could hear a woman saying his name multiple times, all he saw of her was her deep blue eyes. As if there were cameras all around the Glade a screen showed a video of Thomas walking towards the entrance of the maze just like he did earlier that day. The woman's voice kept echoing through his head sounding desperate for his reply. "Can you hear me? Everything is going to change."

Startled from the dream his eyes shot open after hearing a deep mascaline voice saying his name. The person covered Thomas' mouth, preventing him from making a sound, as his eyes adjusted to the lighting, he was relieved to find Alby getting Thomas up wanting to go somewhere.



After Alby had explained the history of the Glade and went into more emphasis on the job types and the rules. They walked over to one of the maze's walls to find all their Gladers' names carved into it. As Thomas glanced over every name he saw ones he did recognise and ones he had never heard of. Looking around he saw that some names had lines through "What happened to them?"

"Like I said, dark days, Thomas."

Understanding not to pry any longer, Thomas nodded making his way towards the wall with the knife Alby had given him and started carving his name next to Newt's and below Athena's.


play - Control by Halsey- now 


As Athena sat on the floor as Zart and Newt were working on tying the plant to the sticks and Thomas uselessly 'digging'. Athena was sat there in burgundy red cotton shorts and a white oversized shirt she had stolen from Newt when he got too hot with a black thin strapped tank top on and some black trainers and her chestnut hair in a ponytail, she also had a sword on one side of her belt and an axe on the other. Newt had a tan brown tank top on, with dark brown jeans and his machete on the belt across his back. Zart and Thomas just had the clothes on from yesterday.

"Has anyone tried climbing to the top?" Thomas questioned thinking of scenarios on how to escape.

"Tried it." Newt bluntly said.

"The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top." Athena added trying to avoid Newt's bluntness.

"Besides, where are you going to go from there?" Newt said trying to concentrate on his job.

"Then what about the box?" Thomas questioned once again, causing Athena to roll her eyes at his amount of questions he had. "You know, next time it comes up, you just drop in it."

As he was about to explain further Newt interrupted: "No we Tried that, the box won't go down with someone else in it."

"Ye well what if we --" He started only to be once again interrupted by the boy.

"No, we tried it, alright right?" Newt said, finally getting annoyed by the many questions. "Twice" He said leaning against the fence, "All right, trust me. Anything you think of we tried it. The only way out of here is through the maze."

"Now look, you wanna be helpful?" Zart interjected trying to diffuse the awkward tension, and handed Thomas a bucket, "here. Go dig us up some more fertilizer." Pointing towards the forest.

As Thomas silently agreed and walked off Athena spoke up: "He's trying to help you know. Yes he may ask a LOT of questions but he still doesn't know what's going on so cut him a bit of slack" she said whilst standing up and folding her up and walking towards the two Track-Hoes.

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