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1 Year later.

The sound of a baby crying awoke Newt, groaning as he turned to his side he flung his arm back over Athena's waist under the covers and hid his face in her neck. "Thea." he mumbled.

"Yes?" she mumbled back.

"Your daughter wants you."

"No, you made her, you get her."

"Woah, woah, woah. Since when was that a bloody rule?" he said getting up and walking to the handmade crib from Gally.

"Since she came along." Athena groaned.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Daddy's here. What's wrong?" he said picking up the blonde, hazel eyed baby, and placing her in his arms as he held the 5 month old in his arms. The baby continued to cry. "I was right." he stated. "She wants you." he said walking over to the bed.

"She doesn't want me. She wants my boobs." Athena corrected as she turned around,getting her breast out and holding out her arm waiting to be passed the baby. Not getting handed the baby she looked up to see Newt staring at her boobs. "Really."

"What." he said as he handed her the baby girl, as Athena raised an eyebrow at him.

"Their just breasts Newt."

"Correction, they are very pretty breasts." he said leaning down and kissing Athena on the lips. "See told you she wanted you." he said, looking down at the baby that was now quiet and breastfeeding.

"She just wanted my boob."

"Meh, like farther like daughter." Newt shrugged, crawling under the covers and pulling Athena onto his chest.

"I love you." he said kissing her forehead.

" I love you too." She replied.

"And I love little Daisy here, just as much." he said kissing the baby's forehead.



"Hey, guys." Newt said, as him, Athena and little Daisy joined the group at the table for breakfast.

A chorus of greetings sounded through the group. "Oh, oh. Give me my little god daughter." Minho commanded, holding his arms out for her, Newt handing the baby to him. "Hewow, my little sunshine. Who's the most beautiful girl in the world? Is it you? Yes of course it's you!" he said in a baby voice.

The group smiled at the interaction, "I'll go get breakfast." Athena said kissing Newt's cheek and standing up.

"Hey, Fry!" she greeted as she walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Thea. Where's Daisy?" he asked, flipping over some meat.

"Been stolen by Minho." she replied jumping on the counter.

"Why am I not surprised?" he laughed.

"So," she said "How did it go?"

"I asked." Fry started.


"She said yes." He said causing Athena to clap her hands in excitement.

"I see what you mean by it's annoying how long it takes some people to ask, now." Athena said.

"So you feel the pain." they laughed.

"Only took Minho four months to ask out Harriet, and two for Aris to ask Sonya." Athena spoke.

"She's a complicated girl."Fry said, seeing the look Athena was giving him. "Fine, Jorge scared me alright."


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