Just a Little Awkward

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Oh my God is this even happening I mean like I actually have a date with her. When I was walking down the hallway I started to squeal to myself. I was so happy. I felt like I had just won the Olympics or something. I get down to my room to open the door to Michael staring at me. I slightly jump then laugh it off afterwords "whoa man you really scared me this time!", I say laughing. Michael still awkwardly said nothing. "Hey man is there something wrong?", I ask concerned about my friend. "Well you see I ummm I had to talk to you about something and it's kinda important", Michael says innocently. I obviously listened to what he had to say. "Look well you see when we were all first nominated to do this computing thing I immediately starting looking at the other contestants myself.", Michael explains. "As soon as I started looking Addi immediately caught my eye..... she is just so talented and I liked her a lot.", Michael says as I start to get mad but also almost guilty. "I just wanted to tell you that because well you obviously love her and I'm totally fine with it..... I mean she obviously likes you too so I mean I should encourage you to go for it", Michael says as I start to feel better. After he told me that I debated on whether I should tell him about the date or not. I figured why not so I told him. Surprisingly he was quite happy for me. After talking about tons of random stuff with Michael for about an hour Michael decided to head back to his room and sleep.
*The next day..... 10am*
I rush back to my room to get ready right after practice. As I go through my suitcase and start to pick out what to wear Becca walks into my room and says "Are you kidding me?!?!? that's what your going to wear!!! Addi do u understand how attractive this boy is.... you need to look like STUNNING.", she exaggerates as I laugh. "You know what just let me pick this out you go take a shower or whatever", Becca says. After I get dressed into the outfit Becca picks out for me (which was my hightop black converse with a pink textured skirt and a plain black tee) I start to do my makeup. Since Becca finds a flaw in whatever I do she ends up doing it herself. Even though she pretty much did everything for me it was kinda fun and it turned out pretty good. Around 11 Ashton knocks on my door with the cutest smile on his face. He was so cute when he said "umm hey these are for you", as he hands out some flowers. Once we get in Ashton's car he says "so where do you want to go princess?". I didn't know how to respond so I just sat there like an idiot until I say "hey why don't we go to that sandwich shop over on Platt St.". He agrees so when we get over there and sit down at our table he says "so....... how long have you and Becca been friends?", he asks obviously nervous in kind of a cute way. "I've know her since about 4th grade", I say. After laughing eating and talking at the sandwich shop for an hour and a half Ashton perks up and says "Hey princess I have a surprise!!!". "What is it?!?!", I ask. "Well all I can say is its back at the hotel so we have to go there for the surprise", Ashton says with the worlds biggest grin in his face. Once we finally get to the hotel Ashton takes me up to his floor and walks he to his door. When we arrive at his door he tells me to close my eyes. So he covers my eyes from behind and walks me into his room and after a while he stops and says "ok you can open them now princess". When I open my eyes I see this cozy little fort that he has made on his bed. We then climb into the fort. The fort had a sheet covering the sides of the TV so we could watch movies inside the fort. While we are cuddling up inside the fort Ashton wraps his arms around me, kisses my cheek and says "I'll be right back princess", as he tiptoes to get something out of his bag. When he comes back he gives me a teddy bear that says I Love You on it and says "I think I love you as much as this bear does princess".

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