Are you?

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"Ok and then we're going to go to the beach and the carnival and ooooohhh maybe we can drive to the city and go shopping and oh my god this is going to be so awesome", Ashton rambles on like a kid with a sugar overload. "Ashton shut up we're home!",Michael says giggling afterwords. About an hour or so of being the giant shared house Becca and I try to unpack a little... well I tried Becca just threw her suitcase in the share bedroom and started making out with Luke..again. But I didn't really mind I mean they were adorable. A little while later we all gather back up into the living room to hang out. "So... what do you guys want to do?",Calum asks shyly. "I vote on pizza!",Michael screams. I immediately get excited by the idea considering I was about to starve. But I guess I wasn't the only one because everyone else was excited about it too. After deciding what we wanted on the pizza Michael and Calum left to go and get it from the store leaving Ashton,Becca,Luke,and I in the awkward living room. It wasn't awkward for very long because as soon as the two boys were gone they sprinted of. Probably to the bedroom though(😊😏😊). When it was just Ashton and I in the living room we started to relax and almost cuddle a little bit in comfortable silence. "Addison", Ashton said in a slightly serious voice. "I'm so happy you came", Ashton barely studded out before looking into my eyes with happy tears in his. Without saying anything I just hugged him tightly into a warm embrace and just kissed him gently on his nose. Almost as if he read my mind he gave me a look that said "I love you" and "thank you" at the same time. After a little while of a movie, cuddling, kissing ect. we heard Becca ad Luke come back. "Well hey",I say knowing what they did. About 10 minutes later we all get into a giant conversation that was absolutely hilarious. Well it was hilarious until Luke asked a very uncomfortable question. "Ok well I know this is pretty random but umm are you guys gonna like fuck anytime soon... or on this trip even?" I immediately start to get nervous and I look beside me to see a very red Ashton. I tried to get Becca to say something to help me in this situation but she was too busy laughing. And right when Ashton started to say something Michael and Calum bust in the door their hands full of pizza boxes. I have never been so happy to see pizza in my entire existence. I felt so relieved but there was also a little thing in the back of my head that wondered what was going on in Ashton's mind and what he was about to say.

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