This Can't Be Goodbye

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A few days later it had come to the scariest most depressing day of my life. Everybody had to leave. I really really REALLY didn't want to but none of us had enough money to stay anywhere so we all just decided to leave as planned. "So turn right here", I direct Ashton sadly as everybody drives on to the airport. "Princess?",Ashton says after an hour of silence. "do you wanna come with us?", he asks. I literally cry because I then understood that he loved me so much that he wanted me to go to another country with him. But unfortunately that was not the only reason why I was crying. I was also crying because I knew I couldn't so I said no. And when I said no Ashton started to cry. Together we were an emotional mess. A perfect and in love type of mess though. After security checks and things me and Becca went on with the boys we all came to the point where they had to leave. And before we could even get to turn around all we heard was screaming. Then the boys liked and saw thousands of girls excited to see them in person. Even though they didn't really know what they were doing they went up to every single fan anyway. When some of the girls had left Ashton heard one girl yell "she's not good enough Ashton!!! How could anybody love that ugly brat like you do?", Ashton looked for that girl for a second then found her in the back. He screamed at her angrily to come towards him. When he got close to her he told her "well at least we know our love is real...and besides its my life and she's a big part of it so by hurting her your hurting me so dot you EVER say anything like that again or we will have our own problems.", Ashton said as the wide eyed girl started to get that Ashton was completely serious. When the girl left Ashton grabbed me and kissed me so everyone else knew he was serious too. When we broke apart he whispered "I'll see you soon my sexy little princess". Not knowing what he meant the boys then left us. But Luke immediately kissed Becca right before they left though. I was very confused I mean I loved him but he was very confusing with his hints. But he was also very cute because when the boys were just about back home they all facetimed me and Becca to show us how much they missed us. But of course the whole time Michael kept taking the phone and started dancing which always made me laugh. I didn't realize how much my life had changed since we met them until they were gone. I thought about them before I fell asleep every night. Until one day I came up with the best idea EVER and it made me so excited......

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