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"Ok little missy you have got some explaining to do", I scream in a motherly way to Becca. "ok so about last well ok so I got hungry in the middle of the night so I went to the 3rd floor vending machine ok and when I went back here I saw Luke in the hallway looking around like a hot idiot ok and so then one thing led to another and I ended up watching a movie with him and snuggling and kissing and stuff..... that creaking sound around 2am was me trying to get back here because Luke fell asleep on me...... I really wanted to stay but I didn't.", after Becca explained I understood completely. I then started to daze off thinking about my date with Ashton until Becca cut me off by saying "You've got some explaining to do too though so go ahead start talking", Becca demanded. I told her everything the date, after practice everything.... which wasn't really a lot to tell sadly. Becca started to giggle and say "Awww addi's gotta a bae" "well I wish i could say that.... not those exact words but you know what I mean",I say sighing as I fall for this sexy drummer more and more each day. About an hour later I headed over to rehearsals because we needed to do sound check and stuff. During our break I get a text from an unknown number.

Hey ummm come meet me at the 3rd floor vending machine after practice if you can - Ashton😉

I immediately turn around to find Ashton walking onto the stage with the bands sound check. I started to blush as I read the text over and over. Then awkwardly I started to stare at him playing ....he was extremely talented which kinda made him even more attractive(if that's even possible). As soon as he caught me staring at him from the empty seats I curled into a ball and starting cursing to myself hoping he wasn't still looking at me. But guess what as soon as I looked up there he was starring at me and trying not to laugh. Even though I didn't really mind the starring part though. After 3 tiring hours of sound check and rehearsals I finally arrive at the hotel dropping most of my stuff off in my room before meeting Ashton. On the elevator down to the 3rd floor vending machine I started to nervously wonder what he wanted. After waiting at the machine for about 4 minutes I see Ashton walking towards me. "hi", he said in the hottest way it seemed like. I started to notice that the more I'm around him the more attracted to him I get. " w-w-what did you want to meet me here for?", I asked trying not to let it show that I'm nervous. Everything suddenly got silent and Ashton got very serious. " I need you princess", he said getting closer to me. "what do you mean", I say enjoying him close. "I mean that I've been really missing our date ,which I thought was pretty adorable myself, but honestly I really really wanna do it again.", he said getting even closer. "so are you asking me to go on another date with you?", I ask. "oh yes princess I am", he says getting EVEN CLOSER. I thought I was going to lose it and I could tell ashton knew that so he then grabbed my waist which brought me gently touching him, then he ran his hands through my hair grabbing onto my head and kissed me slowly. When we broke apart from what felt like forever he whispered "see you Saturday then princess", and waked away leaving me feeling like a red tomato.

I feel like the smartest guy ever for doing that like oh my god she literally couldn't turn me down. I started to think about my sweet little princess and I mainly thought about her staring at me in practice today.... it sounds really cliché but she is super adorable when she gets embarrassed. Ahhhh if I actually have a chance with us seriously getting together I would feel like-like the smoothest person ever if that makes any sense. But honestly if me and her ever go out I would never be able to keep my hands off of her.

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