🌙 Chapter 10 🌙

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Yutsuki Pov

"I thought you'd be here."

I slapped the back of his head the moment he removed his helmet. "Whad'ya mean? I was the one who thought he'd be here."

"Inmate, you just got out of prison and you're already lying?"


Kaoru looked at us, specifically me, weirdly. "Why do you look like you've been to war?" He asked, eyeing me up and down.

I joked a salute at him, straightening up my posture. "I've successfully infiltrated and escaped prison, sir yes sir."

"What did you do this time?"

I stared at him, offended. "Why do you two have the same reaction?!" I pointed a finger at both Kojiro and Kaoru who just laughed at me.

"Are you gonna enter the tournament?" Kojiro asked Kaoru, leaning on the front of his motorbike.

"A foolish question." Kaoru said in an obvious tone. "What about you?"

Kojiro looked up, reminding himself of the old days as if he's some old man already. "I gotta sock it to him."

"What about you, Yutsuki?" The pink haired male walked towards me and roughly rubbed my cheeks using the sleeve of his yukata. "So dirty..." He mumbled, an annoyed expression on his face.

"Wow, you two are very insulting today."

"-and you, are too reckless. See, blood." I turned my gaze to where he was pointing at my arm, there was a small but deep cut that had blood dripping from it.

I only felt the slight pang after he pointed it out, since I didn't feel anything at all back on our way here. "It must be from the glass."

Kaoru signalled Kojiro to come get me and the latter did, carry me like a child to sit on the motorbike after he took out something from it. Surprisingly, he had a small first aid kit inside, in which they used to fix my wound.

'What am I, your child?' I stared at the two of them who looked pretty damn serious and struggling to bandage my cut properly. Then I remembered the earlier question I was asked.

"I'm not joining the tournament."

They both stopped what they were doing for a brief minute before resuming. "Why not?" Kojiro asked, finishing up the bandage while Kaoru wiped my face and arms, now with wet tissues.

"For various reasons. One, it's troublesome. Two, I kinda want to, but at the same time I don't. And three, aren't you two trying to bring Adam back?"

They nodded their heads, not uttering a word. "I hate-love you two but, he's not coming back." I hopped down from the motorbike and went to the railings, staring at the ocean.

"Or better yet, it's safer to say that he's always been like that." The two of them had their heads down, the memories they had with Adam was special and even I knew that.

"The Adam that you guys know, and the Adam I know are different. We also used to have a friendly relationship."

"Huh? Really?" They looked at me as if I was saying something ridiculous. "You sure? All that bloodlust atmosphere around you two was too heavy to believe that."

"Why would I lie?" I snorted, looking at their unsure faces. 'They don't trust me do they? Even I don't trust my memories of the past Ainosuke.'

"Well, you two can try and I'll be cheering for you both but- the chances are pretty low." I muttered the last part, not wanting their hopes to get fully crushed.

'Not like they'll be giving up no matter what anyone tells them though. Morons.' I started walking away, waving back at them who were still looking around the old place.

"I'll be leaving now! Thanks for treating my wounds!" I yelled while starting to jog, preparing myself for my next destination.

But first, a bath.


I drove my car heading to Reki's house when rain started dripping from the sky, I looked around my surroundings and noticed someone lying on the ground with their hand up, as if reaching for something.

On closer inspection, I saw the familiar red hair and uniform. It was Reki.

I got out of my car after turning it off and took out an umbrella, heading towards the boy with worry overwhelming me.

I crouched beside him and tilted my umbrella to his frame, he was spacing out in the middle of the street. I scanned his state and concluded that he has been practicing, not caring if it pained him.

"Reki.." I called, gaining his attention, to which he sat up and looked back at me, shocked.

"Y-yutsuki-nee..." He hung his head down, probably embarrassed for me to see him in this condition.

"You-" As I was about to scold him, he interrupted me.

"Are you... Still proud of me..?" Drops of water started falling on the floor he was facing. Not from the rain but from his eyes, his tears.

"Proud of you? Yes, I am. But right now- I'm disappointed Reki."

His breath hitched, hearing the words slip out from my mouth as if they were venom that could fatally kill him. I put down my umbrella and neared him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he let his head rest on mine.

"Mi querido Reki, I know you're tired of feeling left behind, but it's fine if as long as you stay with yourself."

I started petting his hair, feeling his body start to tremble, feeling the clothe on my shoulder getting damp.

"Like I said, you shouldn't lose yourself in hopes of becoming something else." I tried to comfort him as a series of words just flowed from my mouth, I didn't even have to think about it.

It felt like it was coming from the depths of my heart, something I must've wanted to tell myself as well.

"Who cares if everyone around you is better than you?! You can do something not everyone can!"

My eyes started getting blurry, warm tears pouring out of them a while later. "Everyone lacks something, but they also have something that makes them unique."

I moved my arms from his shoulder to cup his face, which was a crying mess as he gritted his teeth trying to stop the tears. But then he looked at my crying face, probably the first time he did, and that only made him shed tears even more.

"You don't have to reach for something others can. You just have to make your own unreachable feat. Nothing counts if you're not doing it for yourself, Reki."

I wiped the tears off his eyes, feeling my heartache at the sight.

"You won't know your worth if you don't realize it yourself."

His head completely hung down, his hands covering his face. "So please stop hurting yourself like this. You don't know how much it pains people who care about you when they see you like this."

Even I myself didn't expect to be emotional, to witness someone I treated like a little brother, or my child, it made my whole body ache in my emotions.

"Come on now, auntie might be worried." I offered him a hand and he took it, almost making me fall if he used all of his weight.

He dusted of his clothes, his eyes and head still down casted. I ruffled his hair, making him look at me.

"Go home and rest well, mi sol."

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