32 | winner's crown

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The preliminary matches started and everyone was waiting for their matches.

Sakura was bored as fuck so she decided to waste some time by thinking of random shit that happened.

Sasuke won against the one he was fighting but was injured quite heavily so he went with Kakashi outside the arena.

'What was the name of the guy Sasuke was fighting against? Oreo Avacado, was it?'

That was not even close but oh well can't blame Sakura for not remembering some extras right?

'Now, move it extras.' She thought as she went into her feels.

Hinata fought against Neji, her cousin who hated her and Hinata lost.

'Neji. . .' She thought with a serious expression on her face.

'His hair care routine must be quite expensive!?!'

Naruto won against Kiba by farting on his face. Why? Because of the main character halo and plot armour. Sakura was feeling really bitter right now.

'Why couldn't the anime be named 'Sakura' and not Naruto?'

Sakura, you're breaking the fourth wall.


"Sakura Haruno VS Ino Yamanaka."

Sakura broke out of her inner thoughts when her name was announced, she knew she was going to fight Ino due to a certain red-haired girl's help.

The board displayed these two names. Sakura pretended to be shocked after all she was going to fight her friend, wasn't she?

"Sakura, it's okay if you lose yeah!" Naruto cheered on her.

"Do you best hmm," Kakashi said as he didn't bother to glance away from his book which he held in his hands. 

While Sasuke wasn't present, apparently he was being treated by a medic-nin. 

'Way to lie Kakashi, he's probably in the Uchiha Clan, look even the Hokage's not here anymore. He's probably in the Uchiha Clan discussing with them since their second heir was injured especially due to his ex-student.'

"Let's do our best, Ino." The pinkette smiled as she extended her hand towards her 'friend' who shook her hand while smirking cockily.

"I'm going to win, Sakura."

Sakura simply smiled.

The whole area was quiet, the silence was too suffocating

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The whole area was quiet, the silence was too suffocating. But what they saw down below was even more for them.

There stood Sakura on her feet while Ino was on her knees, the pinkette had set up a trap for the blonde and the blonde fell for it.

According to the academic results, Sakura was best in intelligence and genjutsu and that's what she did.

When they exchanged some blows she went on putting various genjutsus around the arena. This created a series of genjutsu, Sakura called it 'Reiyādoiryūjon' which meant layering illusion.

Once you step foot in one genjutsu, you'll be trapped in it. The second you realize that you're in a genjutsu, it will be too late.

The genjutsu would use up a lot of your chakra as you will be fighting.

Therefore Ino was fighting 'Sakura' and 'won' against her but her eyes widened when she disappeared.

"Wait. . ." Ino held two fingers in the air, "Kai!"

She dispersed the first genjutsu and fell into the second one.

This was an endless cycle, falling into a genjutsu and getting out of it only to fall into another. There would be no stopping this because as soon as Ino got too close to releasing the genjutsu, Sakura would set up another.

Every genjutsu was so realistic that even the jounins watching from above were left in awe at Sakura's genjutsu skills.

When Sakura sensed that Ino barely had any chakra left, she dispersed all the genjutsu she laid.

'How disappointing, I was hoping you would entertain me Ino.'

"You. . ." Ino panted, taking a deep breath as she glared at the pinkette in front of her, "You cheated!"

'I thought Naruto was the only blonde who had his brain in his knees yet I found another.'


"You didn't fight at all," She gritted her teeth angrily. Her hair was in a mess, how embarrassing! 

Girl, your existence is an embarrassment, shut up.
-  2021

"It's not cheating," Sakura looked at the coughing guy, "Right, Gekkou-san?"

The judge looked at the pinkette before looking at the Yamanaka Heiress, "She's right, using genjutsu isn't a form of cheating as it is one of the basics of being a genin, if you can't even handle this then you aren't deserving to be a genin much less a chunin,"

'Damn, the man woke up and chose violence.'

More like coughed and chose violence.

"Due to chakra exhaustion and not being able to fight anymore, Ino Yamanaka loses and Sakura Haruno wins and passes to the finals." He announced.

"What No!?! Argh!!" Ino screamed as she was horrified at the outcome of the fight. She had always thought that she was superior to the pinkette and knew she would win. But her overconfidence defeated her and killed her ego.

And the blonde fainted.

Sakura quickly rushed up towards her friend with a worried expression plastered on her face as she helped Ino.

"I was smiling, that should've scared you the most."


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𝗣𝗥𝗘𝗧𝗘𝗡𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 ≡ sakura harunoWhere stories live. Discover now