Chapter 70

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Julia wakes up to the curtains being opened and the sun shining in her face "Come on we have exactly four hours til we all have to be ready." Rebekah tells her. "Bekah!" Julia groans. "Hush you. Now come on, Bonnie has made a magical hangover cure." Rebekah responds grabbing Julia's hand and dragging her downstairs. "Morning!" Caroline smiles. Julia groans and sits down as Bonnie hands her a glass with a green liquid in it. "Hangover cure." Bonnie tells her. Smiling Julia downs it quickly "How long til it works?" she asks. "Couple minutes." Bonnie responds as Andi, Jenna and Elena walk into the room. As they do Julia's phone rings, looking at it she sees the picture she took of Kol last week, where he was laughing at something she'd said. "Hey Babe." she says answering it and walking away from the others. "Not drunk anymore then?" Kol chuckles. "What?" Julia asks. "You called me last night absolutely drunk and telling me about some sort of unicorn dinosaur." he responds chuckling. "Oh God. Please tell me dad didn't hear me." Julia groans. "He didn't but Jeremy, Matt, Tyler and Klaus did. Don't worry though we aren't telling Damon anytime soon." Kol assures her. "Thank goodness. I need to go eat now but I'll see you in a few hours." Julia tells him. "Okay Darling. Love you." "Love you too." Julia hangs up and walks into the kitchen to find pancakes waiting for her. "Thanks Bekah." she smiles. "How'd you know it was Rebekah?" Caroline asks. "Because Bekah always puts a heart in cream on the top of mine." Julia smiles giving Rebekah a wink. "Aww Babes." Rebekah says in a fake flirty voice. "I just know when my girl makes my food." Julia fake flirts back. "Best friends... They act like your sister, mother and lover." they both say together in sync before laughing and high fiving. The others shake their heads and chuckle before Andi turns to Julia "Once you've eaten, take a shower I we can all start getting ready." she says kissing her head. "Okay mum." Julia responds.

(For outfit see the next chapter)
A few hours later Julia runs downstairs to find her dad and uncle stood to the side talking "Daddy!" she grins running over. Damon smiles and spins her into a hug "Don't you look beautiful Little One." he tells her kissing her head. "Wait til you see mum." Julia smiles. Stefan puts Ann arm round his niece's shoulders "Kol was looking for you, I think he's in the garden." he tells her. Nodding Julia kisses both of their cheeks and goes into the garden to find Kol. Finding Klaus and Finn she goes over to them "You seen Kol?" she asks them. "He'll be back in a minute." Finn tells her. Julia nods with a smile "You two scrub up Well." she tells them. "We can say the same about you Pup." Klaus tells her. "He's right Julia, you look truly beautiful." Finn agrees making her blush, both of them chuckle slightly. "Making my girl blush?" Kol asks coming up behind Julia and kissing her cheek gently. "Hi." Julia smiles turning to look at her boyfriend. "Hello Darling. You look amazing." Kol tells her. "You look dashing aswell." Julia smiles before kissing him softly as her phone vibrates. Checking it she smiles and grabs Finn's hand "Come with me." she tells him before dragging him to the front of the house, Kol following behind. "Julia? What is it?" Finn asks. Julia smiles and points behind Finn making him turn and see Sage waiting. They rush and each other and embrace each other before sharing a gentle kiss. The couple walks over to Kol and Julia holding hands "How?" Finn asks. "I got Bonnie to help along with Kol. We did a locator spell to find her." Julia explains. Smiling at her Finn hugs her and his brother before pulling away "Thank you." he tells them. "You deserve happiness aswell brother." Kol smiles. "We better find our seats, you two go get ready." Finn says before leading Sage to the back of the house.

Kol holds Julia's hand "Have I told you how amazing you are?" he asks. "Hmm, I'm not sure." Julia responds smiling and kissing him. "Okay you two enough lovey dovey. We have a wedding to start." Rebekah says walking over and dragging them both to where all the other brides maids and groomsmen have gathered. Kol looks at Andi "You look amazing." he tells her. Andi smiles "Thank you Kol." she responds before looking at her daughter. "Ready Sweetie?" she asks. "Shouldn't I be asking you that mum?" Julia asks. Andi chuckles "The only other thing I have been this sure about is when your father and I adopted you." she tells her. Julia smiles and hugs her mum "Don't make me cry before you and dad have even said your vows." she chuckles . "Okay everyone it's time." Caroline tells everyone. Everyone starts lining up in the order they are going to walk out in Caroline and Tyler go first followed by Bonnie and Jeremy. Next Rebekah and Matt followed by Jenna and Alaric, Elena and Stefan go next with Julia and Kol after them. They all give each other 10 steps before they follow down the isle to where Damon is waiting for Andi. Julia smiles when she sees her dad's face when he sees Andi in her dress walking towards him. Elijah, who's officiating, starts the service as Andi and Damon hold each others hand.

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