Chapter 101

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Julia sits curled up in bed drawing a picture of Kol "Knock knock

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Julia sits curled up in bed drawing a picture of Kol "Knock knock." Andi says poking her head in. "Hey mum, you can come in." Julia smiles. Andi walks in and joins her on the bed "What you drawing?" she asks. "A picture of Kol." Julia responds, showing it to her. "Your dad and Elena have gone with Katherine to try and track Stefan down, Elena and Kathrine have been having dreams about Stefan." Andi explains. Julia nods, going to get up but stumbling "Julia?" Andi asks, getting up and steadying her. "I'm alright. Just...just dizzy." Julia smiles weakly. "No you're not, back in bed." Andi tells her. "Mum, I-I'm fine." Julia mumbles. Andi gives her a look, pulling out and calling Kol "You're not, I'm calling Kol." she tells her. Julia hums, not really paying attention "Kol?" Andi asks as he picks up the phone. "Andi? What's wrong?" Kol responds. "It's Julia, something's wrong. She's not well." Andi explains. "I'm on my way." he tells her, hanging up. Andi puts her phone away, gently making Julia sit down on the bed "Julia?" she asks gently. Julia doesn't respond, her eyes glazing over as she stares straight ahead. Kol runs in "What happened?" he asks. "I don't know, she was fine this morning. She stood up and stumbled, I asked if she was okay but she started stuttering and got all dazed." Andi explains. Kol gently brushes Julia's hair back "Darling, you hear me?" he asks her gently, not getting a response. "What's wrong with her?" Andi asks. "I think it might be her banshee side." Kol responds, worriedly checking Julia over.

Julia's eyes roll to the back of her head as she starts shaking, Kol catching her as she falls and gently lying her back on her bed "Easy Darling, you're alright." he soothes trying to calm her down. Julia chokes slightly making Kol put her on her side "I need to get her to my place, Finn and I have stuff there that should help." he tells Andi. "Go, I'll stay here with Jason and try to get hold of Damon." Andi responds. Kol nods and gently picks Julia up, speeding to his house "Finn!" he shouts. Finn runs down the stairs to see what's happening, freezing when he sees Julia in Kol's arms "Again? Get her to your room." he tells his brother. Kol goes to his room and lies Julia down on the bed "We need to find out what's being blocked, this carries on it's going to kill her." he tells Finn, unshed tears in his eyes. "We're not going to let that happen Kol, we're going to work out what's happening." Finn assures him. Julia whimpers, eyes rolling under her lids "Stay with her, I'll go get some herbs that should help." Finn says, leaving the room. Kol holds Julia's hand, brushing her hair out her face "You're going to be fine Darling." he soothes. Rebekah runs in "Finn just told us what's happened, our brothers are getting the herbs as we speak." she tells Kol, sitting next to him. "I can't lose her Rebekah." Kol chokes out, tears falling. Rebekah immediately wraps her arms round him "You're not going to. She's strong, a fighter. She's going to be fine." she soothes, letting Kol cry into her as they hug.

After a few minutes the siblings pull away "I need your help planning something once Julia's awake." Kol tells his sister. "What?" Rebekah asks. "A surprise." he responds. Rebekah smiles "I'm already in." she responds. Julia whimpers making Kol gently stroke her hand "It's alright Darling, you're alright." he tells her gently, making her calm down slightly. The other brothers arrive, Elijah and Klaus handing Finn the herbs they'd collected before joining Kol and Rebekah at Julia's side "How is she?" Klaus asks. "Bad, she hasn't woken at all. If anything she's getting worse." Rebekah responds, worried for her best friend. Kol feels tears fall making Elijah put a hand on his shoulder in a sign of comfort, Klaus hugging Rebekah. Finn finishes mixing the herbs, bringing the cup "Kol, hold her up and hold nose." he tells his youngest brother. Kol climbs onto the bed, gently lifting Julia so she's leaning against him and holding her nose as Finn mixture her mouth "Drink Julia." Finn tells her. Julia weakly swallows the mixture, coughing slightly as Finn pulls the cup away "What now?" Klaus asks. "We wait for her to wake up." Finn responds as Kol gently lies Julia back down.

A few hours later Julia starts coughing as she wakes up "Easy Darling, you're alright." Kol tells her, grabbing a glass of water from the side and bringing it to her lips. Julia drinks some, whimpering slightly "Wh-What happened?" she asks. "The same thing that happened last time, your banshee side is having something blocked." Kol explains. Julia frowns "I...I don't know how to stop it." she mumbles. "It's not your fault Love. You can't control what's happening." Kol tells her, kissing her forehead in reassurance. There's a knock on the door before Jeremy pokes his head in "Can I come in? I need to tell you something..." he trails off. "Sure." Julia nods as Kol sits next to her on the bed. Jeremy walks in and stands at the end of the bed "I...I know what's blocking Julia's banshee. I've known all summer but I wasn't allowed to tell anyone." he starts. "What? What is it Jere?" Julia asks, frowning in concern. "'s Bonnie. She died to bring me back. The whole summer she made me pretend to be her, sending messages, postcards, letters..." Jeremy tells her. "N-No she can't... I-I would've screamed... I..." Julia sobs. "She blocked it from you because she didn't want you to go through that pain." Jeremy explains. Kol holds Julia as she sobs "BONNIE!" she finally screams making her completely break down in Kol's arms. "I got you Darling. I got up you." Kol tells her, his own tears falling.

Juli walks over to everyone at the tree stump, Damon immediately pulling her into a hug

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Juli walks over to everyone at the tree stump, Damon immediately pulling her into a hug. Jeremy places a picture frame on top of the tree stump; Caroline places black and red cheerleading pom poms on top, Matt places his lifeguard whistle, Elena scatters white feathers over the stump and all the other items before backing up crying and hugging Caroline. Damon places Bonnie's grimoire on the stump, followed by Julia placing Bonnie's Sleeping Beauty ears from their trip to Disney on top. Tears falling, Julia walks back to the others and cries into Damon's chest Jeremy grabs the bell from the stump "We ring this bell in honor of Bonnie, in remembrance for her." he says, ringing the bell and putting it back on the stump "I'm not sure what else to say." he tells them. "She says that she's not going anywhere, that she has been here all along. Bonnie has watched you have the summer of your life. Elena, she saw you happy, and she knows you think now that you can't have a normal life... that you have to be there for everyone, but you don't. Everyone will find their way, so you are gonna repack your things, you're gonna go back to college, and you're gonna live it up. You didn't do anything wrong, Matt. You know she would have sent you three hundred e-mails back if she could. She misses you. Caroline... she watched you decorate that dorm room like your life depended on it. And she knows that college isn't everything you expected and that you feel like something's missing, but...Tyler..." Jeremy says, translating for Bonnie. Tyler appears behind everyone holding a single white rose, Caroline runs to hug him and Tyler places the rose among the other items "Julia, she's sorry that you went through all that pain but she didn't want you to go through the pain of feeling her die." Jeremy tells her, still translations for Bonnie. Julia lets out a broken sob, Damon holding her close.

(A/N: The Story of Julia: The Mini Series is now up)

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