Chapter 3 ✔️

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Julia stands with Bonnie and Elena in the corridor wearing black leggings and one of Jeremy's jumpers, which is basically a dress on her "I'm not saying don't date the guy. I'm just saying take it slow." Bonnie tells Elena, who had just finished explaining how she kissed Stefan last night under the comet. "You were the one who said to go for it." Elena responds. "Now I'm saying take it slow." Bonnie tells her. "Why the about-face?" Elena asks her. "It's not an about-face. You're single for the first time in your entire high school career. It's the perfect time to play the field." Bonnie responds. "Oh, because I'm so that girl. Seriously, what are you not saying?" Elena asks. "It's stupid." Bonnie tells her. "Bonnie..." Elena starts. "What?" she asks. "Spit it out." Elena tells her. "I accidentally touched Stefan. And I got a really bad feeling." Bonnie explains. "Is that it? Bonnie." Elena sighs. "It was bad bad!" Bonnie defends herself. "Is this the whole witch mojo thing again?" Julia asks her curiously. "You know what? I'm just concerned. This is me expressing concern about my best friend's new boyfriend." Bonnie tells Elena. "And I love you for it, I do. But I feel good. It's been a hard year, and I'm starting to kind of feel like things are getting back to normal again. And you know what? Stefan is a big part of that." Elena tells her.

Within couple of minutes later Stefan walks over to the girls "Stefano! "Julia smiles wrapping her arms round his middle in a hug. "Hey Juju. Good morning, Elena. Good morning, Bonnie." he responds smiling. "Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline. She's not answering her phone. So I'll see you guys later." Bonnie tells them before walking away. "Bonnie, wait..." Elena calls out to her. "She doesn't like me very much." Stefan tells her. "She doesn't know you. She's my best friend. She's just looking out for me. But when she does, she will love you." Elena tells him smiling at him. "Come here you." Stefan says picking Julia up, Julia smiling as he does. The three walk outside Stefan still carrying Julia "Here's what we're going to do. Are you free tonight?" Elena asks Stefan. "Yes." he responds. "Perfect. Dinner, my house. 8:00. You, me, Julia and Bonnie. You two will spend some quality time and she'll get to see what a great guy you are. Mission accomplished." Elena explains to him. Julia giggles and jumps down giving Elena a high five and a hug "Great plan Lena." she tells her. "Thank you, think it'll work?" Elena asks. "Yep Bonnie loves you so she'll get to know Stefan for you." Julia nods. Suddenly, Stefan turns around and catches a football before throwing it back to Tyler. Tyler and Matt shocked at how fast he did it as Elena and Julia laugh at their faces.

Julia waves at them as she walks back inside with her sister and Stefan "That throw was insane. I didn't know you played football." Elena says. "I used to. It was a long time ago." Stefan tells the sisters. "So why don't you try out for the team?" Julia asks. "Yeah, I don't think so Juju." he tells her with a smile. "So you don't like football?" she asks. "No, I love football. I think it's a great sport. But in this case, I don't think football likes me. You saw Tyler over there, and all three of us know how Matt feels." Stefan explains. "They don't know you. To them, you're mysterious loner guy. Wouldn't hurt to be part of. Make some friends." Elena tells Stefan. "Says the girl who spends her alone time writing in a cemetery." Stefan jokes. "Hey, come on. There's more to me than just gloomy graveyard girl. There's a whole other Elena that you have yet to meet. She was into everything, very busy." Elena retorts laughing. "Well, I look forward to meeting her. And when will that be?" he asks. "Soon. She's working on it." she responds.

In History Bonnie writes '8', '14' and '22' all over her page, Julia looking at her in confusion but deciding to leave it "World war II ended in... Anyone got anything? Miss Juan? 1945." Tanner asks the class.
"Psst. FYI...Our team sucks. They could use you." Elena tells Stefan. "Can't. I'm a loner." Stefan whispers back. "Miss Gilbert?" Tanner asks Elena. "Hmm?" she asks. "Pearl Harbor?" Mr Tanner asks her. "Um..." Elena trails off. "December 7, 1941." Stefan answers. "Thank you, Miss Gilbert." Tanner tells him sarcastically. "Anytime." Stefan smiles. "Very well. The fall of the Berlin wall." Tanner asks. "1989. I'm good with dates, sir." Stefan tells him. "Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act." Tanner asks. "1964." Stefan responds easily. "John F. Kennedy assassination." Tanner tries. "1963." Stefan tells him, once again easily. "Martin Luther King." Tanner continues. "'68." Stefan responds. "Lincoln." Tanner tells him. "1865." Stefan tells him. "Roe vs. Wade." Tanner tries. "1973." Stefan responds. "Brown vs. Board." Tanner tries again. "1954." Stefan recites. "The battle of Gettysburg." Tanner says. "1863." Stefan tells him. "Korean war." Tanner asks. "1950 to 1953." Stefan tells him. "Ha! It ended in '52." Tanner laughs. "Uh, actually, sir, it was '53." Stefan tells him. "Look it up, somebody. Quickly." Tanner tells the class. "It was 19...53." a boy reads off his phone, everyone laughing and clapping for Stefan. Once class finishes Elena and Stefan walk into the corridor with Julia following "How did you know all of that?" Julia asks Stefan. "Years and years of crossword puzzles. It's a loner thing." he jokes. The three walk outside and Stefan goes to sit on the bleachers as Julia goes with Elena to cheer practise.

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