Chapter 44

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Jules clutches at her stomach, and groans in pain. "What's happening to me?" "Greta cast a spell to slow down your transformation. Your insides are trying to tear themselves free." Damon tells her smirking. Julia watches from Klaus' arms who passes her to Andie. Julia whines and looks at Klaus who chuckles. "It'll be fine Little Pup." Klaus retrieves the moonstone from his pocket and walks over to Greta and Bonnie. "I've got the moonstone. I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it." Klaus hands the moonstone to Greta who takes it and looks up at the sky. "The moon has passed its apex. Remember everything you need to do?" "I remember." Greta drops the moonstone into a stone bowl filled with flames. Sparks fly as the moonstone is destroyed. Greta holds Bonnie's hand and begins chanting a spell in Latin. Klaus approaches the ring of fire round Jules. Jules still lies on the ground, moaning in pain. Klaus looks down at Jules. "Shall we?" The ring of fire around Jules disperses. Jules's eyes turn yellow and she uses her werewolf speed to rush at Klaus. However, Klaus gets the upper hand and pins Jules to the ground, plunging his hand into her chest and ripping out her heart. Jules takes a final breath, tears streaming down her face, and dies. Damon smirks and strokes Julia's head and has an arm round Andie. Klaus holds Jules' heart over the ceremonial bowl, squeezing the blood into the flames. "Does that mean it's working?" "It's working." Klaus goes over to the vampire and drags him to the alter, he stakes him in the heart and Greta and Bonnie begin chanting the next part of the spell. Greta pours the man's blood into the bowl. Klaus looks at Elena "It's time." he tells her. She nods and goes over to him. He drains her of blood as quickly and painlessly as possible. He gently lays her down. "I can feel it. It's happening." Klaus looks up at the full moon. Suddenly, his bones begin to crack and he starts to transform. His eyes are yellow like a werewolf's, but he still has the veins under them like a vampire. Klaus turns into his wolf and looks at Julia who barks and jumps out of Andie's arms, running to him carrying some clothes for him.

Soon it's the next day and Klaus and Julia have both turned back, although it was afternoon by the time they did. "Well it seems we can turn at will, Little Pup." she smiles and jumps on his back. He laughs and carries her to the Boarding House. Julia's phone buzzes and she looks to see a message from Elena. "John found a witch to do the spell. He lied about being able to come back. He sacrificed himself for me." Julia gasps and shows Nik who looks guilty. "It's not your fault Nik. It was his choice. We could have found another way to bring her back but he decided to not tell us." she tells him hugging him. He smiles and puts her on her bed. She giggles and her tail curls round her body. Klaus laughs and picks her up and stands her up. "Right let's get you changed." she smiles as he gets her some clothes.

She gets dressed and runs to Klaus who picks her up smiling

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She gets dressed and runs to Klaus who picks her up smiling. They go down and see Damon and Andie. She runs to them and jumps. Damon catches her and put her on his hip. "You have fun last night?" "Yep it was really cool. Though I fell in a muddy puddle at one point. Nik found it funny." "It was the fact a white wolf pup falls in and a brown one comes out." Julia sticks her tounge out at him. "You do realise what this time next week is?" Andie asks. Julia looks at her for a minute "My Birthday!" she shouts. "Baby girl as much as I love you. Please don't shout in my ear." "Oops sorry daddy." "I've already started planning a party with Elena." Andie tells her. Julia smiles and flings herself at Andie making Damon fall forward aswell, Klaus and Andie laugh. "I'll be back later Little Pup. I have a promise to uphold concerning Elijah and our siblings." Klaus tells her kissing her head before leaving "Bye Nik."

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