Chapter 63

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*Time skip to end of summer. Klaus is away with Stefan who's helping him find a pack to turn*

 Klaus is away with Stefan who's helping him find a pack to turn*

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Julia sits in front of Rebekha as she does her hair. Kol walks in and smiles kissing her forehead "Klaus is in Chicago and needs our help. Me because it's witchy stuff, Bekha because it's about the 20's and he misses you." he tells Julia who nods. "Can you go tell Mum and Dad for me and grab me some clothes. That way we can leave today." Julia smiles. Kol nods and vamp speeds to the Salvatore Boarding House.

Julia sits in the back of the car as they enter the Chicago limits. "Where to?" Kol asks Rebekha. "Stefan's old apartment. I'll show you the way." she responds. As they arrive Julia holds onto Kol as they walk out to the apartment. She grins when she hears Klaus and Stefan talking. Running she goes in the room "Nik!" she cheers jumping into his arms. Klaus chuckles and holds her close "Miss me pup?" he asks. "Uh huh." Julia tells him as she nuzzles into his neck taking in his scent. Klaus chuckles and kisses her temple "Go say hello to your Uncle while I talk to Kol and Rebekha." he tells her. Julia nods and runs over to Stefan, jumping into his arms. "Hey Juju. How did you convince Damon to let you come?" Stefan asks. "I got Kol to ask him." she giggles. Stefan chuckles and kisses her cheek "Come on we better head back to Gloria's" Klaus tells them. Julia jumps down and onto Kol's back as they walk. Kol laughs and climbes in the back of the car with Julia as Rebekha drives. Julia holds onto Kol's hand as they walk into Gloria's bar. "I see you're back." the lady says from behind the bar. "Did you think we wouldn't be?" Klaus asks. The lady rolls her eyes "Rebekha I remember, who are these two?" she asks. "Gloria this is Kol my younger brother and Julia his mate and my Beta pup." Klaus explains. "I am not a pup!" Julia pouts crossing her arms. Klaus chuckles and picks her up "You are to me pup." he tells her. Gloria walks out to the back to get some stuff for the spell. Klaus sits Julia down at a table with her sketch book and pencils. Julia listens as he talks to Stefan about how they knew each other in the 20's. "You compelled me to forget?" Stefan asks. "It was time for Rebekah and I to move on. Better to have a clean slate." Klaus tells him. "But why? You shouldn't have to cover your tracks... Unless you're running from someone." Stefan realises. "Storytime's over." Klaus tells him cutting him off. Julia giggles making Klaus smile at her.

"Just compel him to remember. Wouldn't it have been easier than retelling the story? Or did you want to be over dramatic?" Julia asks making Rebekha and Kol laugh. "Hush you." Klaus jokes bopping her nose. Julia pretends to bite it in retaliation before Klaus goes over to Stefan. "Now you remember." Klaus compels him. "I remember you. We were friends." Stefan remember. "We are friends." Klaus corrects. Klaus looks over at Rebekha "And now the reason you're here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch." he tells her. "The origninal witch." Rebekha rolls her eyes. "What do you have that Gloria needs?" Klaus asks. "My necklace? The one that you lost?" Rebekha reminds him. "I don't know. I didn't touch it!" Klaus retorts. "We need to find it, Nik." Kol tells him. "Tell me that's not what she needs!" Klaus groans. Julia puts her pencil down and smiles at her drawing. Klaus walks over and rests his chin in the top of her head "Looks amazing as always pup." he tells her kissing the top of her head. Julia grins and spins in her chair lifting her arms up to be picked up. Chuckling Klaus picks her up and puts her on his hip before walking over to where Kol is sat at the bar. "Hey Koala." she grins as Klaus sits her down. "Hey Ju." Kol smiles kissing her temple gently.

"What's she doing?" Julia asks Klaus

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"What's she doing?" Julia asks Klaus. "She's failing." he tells her. Gloria looks over at him "It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on." she responds. "So use Rebekha. She only wore it for a thousand years." Kol tells them. "See? Now this one offers a solution." Gloria says as Rebekah sits on the table. "All right, give me your hand, sweetheart." Gloria tells her. Rebekha does so as she starts the spell. Gloria drops Rebekah's hand and looks at Klaus "I found it." she tells him. "So where is it?" Rebekha asks. "It doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends..." Gloria tells her. "Yes, a dead girl with dead friends, if I don't get my necklace back." Rebekha glares. Julia rolls her eyes "If one of you can draw it I can see if I can tap into my abilities. Kol and Finn have been helping me." Julia tells them. Klaus smiles and grabs a peice of paper to draw on.

Klaus hands it to Julia making her laugh "You guys may be centuries old but you are the most unobservent people I know

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Klaus hands it to Julia making her laugh "You guys may be centuries old but you are the most unobservent people I know. Elena's wearing it, Stefan must have found it after you'd compelled him to forget you." she tells them. Stefan looks at the drawing "If you'd told me this was the necklace you needed I could've told you Elena has it." he says. "Well at least I can stop looking myself. I thought you'd never work it out for me." a voice says as a lady walks into the bar with a smirk. Klaus, Kol and Rebekha's eyes all widen. "Corsette?" Kol asks. "Hello brother dear." she smiles before looking at Julia. "Who's this?" she asks. Kol glares and puts Julia behind him slightly so she's out of sight. Corsette a miles at him "Please, if I wanted her dead, I'd have killed her that day at the river." she tells them. Kol and Klaus speed forwards, Kol pushing her against the wall "I may not be able to kill you, sister, but I'm sure Nik has a dagger with your name on it." he snarls. Corsette glares and pushes him off "Chill out Kol, I came to talk." she tells them. "The whole family though." she adds looking at Klaus. "Fine but you do anything and I will put you in your coffin." he warns leading Kol back over to Julia and Rebekha. Kol picks up Julia and holds her close, taking in her scent.

(Leighton Meester as Corsette Mikealson)

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(Leighton Meester as Corsette Mikealson)

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