Chapter 91

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Julia cuddles into Kol as they sit in the back of Stefan's car as he drives them and Damon after Elena and Rebekah, who had stolen Damon's car

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Julia cuddles into Kol as they sit in the back of Stefan's car as he drives them and Damon after Elena and Rebekah, who had stolen Damon's car. They climb out the car and walks towards Damon's car, Damon holding two containers of gasoline to fill it up "If they so much as even scratched the paint on my car..." Damon trails off. "Well, just be grateful Sheriff Forbes was able to track down the car after you let them, ah, you know, steal it from you." Stefan tells him. Julia shakes her head and leans into Kol "Remind me to send her some mini-muffins. Do we really need ten gallons of gas, or are you making me just lug this around as punishment?" Damon asks. "Well, they ditched your car after it ran out of fuel. You gotta fill it up. Got a hundred miles before we get to Willoughby." Stefan responds. Julia smiles slightly as Kol wraps his arms round him from behind "Yeah, well I don't remember that name from the list of places I got from New York." Damon tells them. "Oh, the list? The list they stole from right under your nose, after you let your guard down?" Kol asks sarcastically. "They'll be there. Sheriff Forbes tracked down the car they stole after yours." Stefan adds. "Screw the muffins. I'll get her champagne-if Elena is wherever it may be." Damon says, filling his tank up. "Willoughby. Creamed corn capital of Pennsylvania. They'll be there. Let's just hope we get to them before they get to the cure." Stefan smiles.

"Find Katherine, get the cure, get out before you get your neck snapped-again." Julia smirks. "Believe me Little One, I learned my lesson. Elena without humanity is a stone-cold bitch, and I won't trust her until we get the old Elena back." Damon assures his daughter. "Look at that. We're finally on the same page about something." Stefan jokes. "Look at that." Damon nods. "Why did you actually come?" Stefan asks Julia. "One, Silas almost killed me so Kol and I decided to get out of town for a little. Two, Katherine is one of the reasons Jeremy is dead. If I get a chance to kill her, I'm taking it." Julia responds, climbing in the car. Kol climbs in after her and kisses her temple "How you feeling?" he asks. "Still not amazing, I don't think I could scream if I wanted to." Julia responds, leaning into him. "Did you mean what you said? About killing Katherine?" Kol questions. Julia nods "She fed Jeremy to Silas just to get one up on Nik. I want her dead." she tells him. "Well, I guess we got a vampire bitch to kill." Kol smirks, Julia smiling.

The four of them arrive in Willoughby and walk along the street "Something's not right. Katherine Pierce does not hole up in Hickstown, P-A." Damon says. "Well, this is definitely the car they stole. We're in the right place." Stefan tells him. "Points to them for their choice of vehicles." Damon remarks looking at the car. "So let me ask you something. What happens when we find Elena? How do we get her back to Mystic Falls? I mean, she's not exactly gonna go quietly, and she has an Original vampire as her bodyguard." Stefan asks. "We do whatever we have to do. I don't care if we have to throw Rebekah under a school bus and wrap Elena up in a burlap sack. We do whatever we have to do." Damon respond. Kol looks at Damon as he threatens Rebekah "I'm serious." Stefan tells him. "I am, too. I don't care what Elena wants right now. She's this close to going off the rails for good and that ain't happening. She's a pain enough as it is." Damon explains. Julia rolls her eyes "Have you ever cared what she wants?" she asks. Damon opens his mouth but shuts it as he realises she's right "Touché Little One." he tells her. "So what happened to the guy who thought Elena should embrace being a vampire, let the chips fall where they may?" Stefan asks. "That guy got his neck snapped in New York and this guy is royally pissed off." Damon responds, walking off.

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