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Julia walks round the forest on the other side when she bumps into someone "Little Star?" Rose asks

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Julia walks round the forest on the other side when she bumps into someone "Little Star?" Rose asks. "Auntie Rose!" Julia says, a small sob leaving her as she hugs her aunt. "What happened? Why are you here?" Rose asks her, holding her tight. "A coven leader didn't like me and Kol asking questions." Julia responds a they break apart. Rose kisses her forehead "Where are you heading?" she asks. "I was going to head to the Grill." Julia tells her. "I'm coming with you, I'm not leaving you alone." Rose decides, holding Julia's hand and leading her towards town. As they walks, Julia spot someone else "T-Tori?" she asks. "Little Jewel! No! What are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here!" Vicki tells her, hugging her close. Julia holds onto Vicki tightly "Kol and I wanted answers from a coven, the leader didn't like us asking questions." she explains. "I'm sticking with you, I'm not letting anything happen to you." Vicki tells her. "So now I have my aunt and my big sister." Julia smiles, walking towards town. "Wait up Julia!" Vicki exclaims, going after her with Rose.

The three of them walk into the Mystic Grill, finding Lexi and Stefan "Seriously? This is what I have to look forward to when I come back to life? All-you-can-eat potato skins?" Lexi asks. "They're actually really good." Julia pipes up. "Julia? What are you...? Why are you here?" Stefan asks. "Got killed by a psycho coven leader who locked his son away, turns out that's why my premonition was telling me about 1994." Julia explains, Stefan hugging her tightly. "Does Damon know?" Stefan asks. Julia nods, tears falling "He was with Bonnie when I..." she responds, fiddling with her engagement ring. "Hang on, what's that?!" Vicki exclaims. "What?" Julia asks. "That's a ring!" Rose grins. "Kol asked you?" Stefan asks. Julia nods "I was with him when I..." she tells him. Stefan pulls her into another hug "We're going to get back to them." he tells her. "Remind me again why you never made it to Portland." Lexi tells Stefan as they all sit down. "I was attacked by Silas and locked in a safe to drown for three months." Silas responds. "Right, and then you made it out, and yet you're still here." Lexi says. "Lexi, either one of us could blink out of existence any second, so if you have something to say to me-" Stefan starts. "Rebekah." Lexi cuts him off. "What about Rebekah?" Stefan asks. "Wow! You really don't see it, do you?" Julia laughs. "See what?" Stefan asks his niece, Julia shaking her head.

Sheriff Forbes and Markos, the travellers leader, walk into the Grill making the five of them stop talking to listen in "Listen. I might not carry a lot of weight with you people, but I am still the Sheriff and I still represent the people who live here." Liz tells him. "Travelers haven't been able to gather together for centuries. The last thing they'll tolerate is a list if your ground rules." Markos explains. "What if there's an open bar?" Liz asks. "She's trying to gather the Travelers. They're planning something." Stefan realises. Julia nods "I'll be back in a minute." she says, getting up. "Where are you going?" Vicki asks. "Just need some air." she tells them all, walking out the grill. "I'll go after her." Stefan says, getting up and following his niece out. Julia leans against the wall, tears falling down her cheeks "Hey, come here." Stefan tells her, pulling her into his chest and letting her cry. "I want to go home. I want Kol, Jason, mum and daddy." Julia cries. "I know Juju." Stefan says, kissing her head as he gently holds her close.

Julia lets out a small sob, her legs giving way making Stefan catch her and stroke her hair as he tries to soothe her. Lexi, Rose and Vicki walk out the Grill and stop when they see the state Julia is in. Stefan looks at them not knowing what to do as he holds his niece, Vicki goes over and sits on the floor next to them "Little Jewel, you look at me?" she asks softly. Julia looks at her slightly, clinging to Stefan's shirt "You remember what we learnt when you were little? In for four, hold for seven, out for eight. You able to do that for me?" Vicki asks, beginning to do the breathing exercise. Julia nods shakily and starts copying Vicki's breathing, slowly beginning to calm down "There we go." Vicki smiles, kissing the top of Julia's head. "We should find Alaric before the spell begins." Lexi pipes up once Julia has calmed down. "Let's try the woods." Rose suggests. "I've already been there thanks." Kol says, walking over. "K-Kol?" Julia asks. "It's me Darling." he tells her. Julia immediately runs over to him, jumping into his arms with her legs round his waist and her arms round his neck. Stefan and the others smile as the couple kiss "What are you doing here?" Julia asks him. "I found where Klaus hid the White Oak Stake." Kol responds, still holding her close. "You...?" she trails off. "I had to make sure you came back to me." Kol tells her. Julia puts her face in his neck, taking in his scent as he does the same.

The six of them split into pairs, Julia and Kol holding hands as they try to find Alaric. Kol smiles as he feels her engagement ring on her finger, pulling her hand up to his mouth and kissing it "I love you." he tells her. "I love you too." she responds, kissing him. "We should get to the cemetery, Bonnie will be starting the spell soon." Kol tells her. Julia nods as they start making their way to the cemetery, finding everyone already there "Tyler!" Julia exclaims, running over and hugging her brother. Tyler holds her tightly "God, I missed you." he tells her. "I missed you too." Julia tells him as they let go. "You need to come through." Bonnie tells them. "What about everybody else?" Tyler asks. Julia bites her lip before shoving Tyler towards Bonnie, making him bump into her and go back to the land of the living. "Come on guys, we don't have much time. Grab my hand!" Bonnie says. "Go. GO!" Lexi tells Stefan. "No." he tells her. "You have to go! Come on!" Lexi tells him. Julia looks at Vicki and Rose, pushing them into Bonnie. The two of them disappear back into the land of the living as Elena runs over "I can't find Damon!" she tells them. "Wait, Dad's here?!" Julia exclaims. "It was part of the plan." Bonnie tells her.

Stefan looks at Elena "You go. I'll wait here." he tells her. Elena hesitates making Bonnie grab Elena and forces her to go back. There's a sudden shaking making Bonnie almost fall to the ground, Stefan catching her automatically and passing back through. Julia paces as she waits for her dad "Julia..." Bonnie starts. "No, I'm not leaving without dad!" Julia glares. "Bonnie. This is killing you, isn't it?" Kol asks. "I can hold on. I have to. Just come through. We have to finish this!" Bonnie responds. "Not just yet!" Markos glares, walking over. Lexi lunges at Markos and kicks him down to the ground, where they start trading punches. The darkness suddenly blows in and sucks Markos away "Lexi! Come on! It's you turn!" Bonnie tells the blonde. "Every person that passes through takes you one step closer to death. What kind of a best friend would I be if you died before Stefan got his brother and niece back?" Lexi asks. "Good job I'm here then." Julia tells her, pushing her into Bonnie. "Bonnie!" Damon shouts, heading over with Alaric. "Daddy!" Julia shouts, running to her dad. "Little One!" Damon exclaims, pulling her into his arms. "Thank god!" Bonnie smiles, taking Alaric's hand and getting him back to the land of the living.

Damon kisses Julia's head "Come on." Bonnie tells them. Julia, Kol and Damon take hold of Bonnie but nothing happens "Well, would you look at that..." Damon trails off. Julia feels tears in her eyes "Julia?" Bonnie asks. "Are mum and Jason safe?" she asks. Damon nods "Caroline helped me get them out of Mystic Falls." he tells her. "Good, that's all that matters." Julia nods. "This place is going down, isn't it?" Damon asks Bonnie as light pokes through the darkness, wind picking up and blowing round them. "It is. I'm sure there are a million people we'd rather be with right now, but..." Bonnie responds, taking Damon's hand and entwine their fingers. Damon pulls Julia into his side and Kol holds Julia's hand "A couple thousand, at most." Damon jokes, kissing Julia's head. "Do you think it'll hurt?" Julia asks. "I don't kn-" Damon starts, being cut off as the light engulfs the four of them.

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