Chapter 34

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Damon, Julia and Stefan walk down into the tomb and look at each other. "Let's do it." Damon says. They grab the stone door; Damon taking the right side, Stefan taking the left. "1,2,3." They pull the stone door off the entrance of the tomb. Damon and Stefan successfully remove the stone door from the entrance of the tomb. They place it to the side and approach the entrance. Stefan and Damon lean against the frame of the entrance, Julia stands next to Damon, waiting for Katherine, who comes around the corner, looking hungry. "Please...come on in. There's plenty of room for all of us." Katherine says. "I'd rather poke my eyes out." Damon responds getting a giggle from Julia. "Mmm, they're such pretty eyes." "We're here for the moonstone." Stefan tells her. "Feel like tossing it over?" "Tell you what, you get your little witch to hocus pocus me out of here, you can have whatever you want." "I thought you liked it in here. Nice and safe where Klaus can't get to you." "I've had time to reconsider." "Meaning you're hungry." "I'm starving, Damon. And dirty. But above all, I'm bored." Katherine has progressively gotten closer to the entrance, stumbling and grasping at the wall as she does so. "At least running from Klaus wasn't boring - so here's the deal: you get me out of here, you get the moonstone and I'll disappear from Mystic Falls forever." Stefan and Damon look at each other, Julia holds Damon's hand, Katherine starts to walk away. 'Let me know what you decide." As she says this, she holds up the moonstone and stumbles back into recesses of the cave. "Dad, let me go in and get it from her." "No. Julia it's too dangerous." Julia sighs as they leave heading the the Gilbert House.

Elena opens the front door and sees Stefan, Julia and Damon standing on the front porch. "Hey. Uh, can we talk?" Stefan asks her. "Why?" "We went to see Katherine." Damon tells her. "Come on in."
Elena steps aside and Stefan, Julia and Damon enter the house. They all stand around the island in the kitchen, talking. "You don't believe her, do you?" Elena asks them. "No, of course not. We just want the moonstone." Damon tells her. "According to Rose's friend Slater, there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break." Stefan adds "No spell, no doppelgänger sacrifice. Ergo, you live." Julia finishes. "How do you destroy it?" Elena asks "By releasing it from the moonstone." "How do you guys even know this is gonna work?" "Cause we have a crafty witch on our side." "You discussed it with Bonnie." "She agreed to do anything she could to help us." "It's Katherine who has the moonstone. She's not gonna give it to you." "We're gonna get it from her." "Well, what he means to say is, we will pry it from her cold, dead hand if we have to." "Bonnie just needs to find a way to release the seal long enough for us to get in, get the moonstone, and get out in time for her to return it." "Wow. I mean, it sounds like you guys already have it all planned out." "Yep. We're awesome." "Except for one thing. I don't want you to do it." Stefan and Damon exchange looks, Julia smiles. "What are you talking about? Elena, we don't have a choice." "What about Klaus?" "We'll find him right after we get the moonstone." "Is that before or after he kills everyone that I care about, including the three of you." She points from Stefan to Damon to Julia. The idea that Elena cares about him startles Damon. "Elena, if we can de-spell the moonstone, we can save your life." "I know. Everybody keeps saying that." Elena gets up and leaves the room. Stefan and Damon exchange a look again. Julia follows after Elena.

Elena opens the front door to the Boarding House and walks in with Julia. She shuts the door behind her and looks around the hallway. Rose comes down the stairs, tying a silk robe around her. "It's not nice to leave a girl naked so early in the morning." Rose looks up and sees that it's Elena and Julia, not Damon, standing in the hallway. "Whoa. Sorry, I thought you were..." Elena looks away, embarrassed. "Ewww. As much as I love you Rose. I don't want to hear about you and my dad." "I, uh, sorry, I..." Elena says "There's no one else here." "Actually, I came to talk to you." "Then I should probably get dressed." Rose smiles broadly and walks back up the stairs. After Rose has exchanged her robe for real clothing, Elena, Julia and Rose converse in the parlor room. "It's a bad idea." Rose tells them. "No, it's not. From what Stefan told me, your friend Slater obviously has more information about Klaus. You and Damon just gave up before you got it." "Because somebody blew up a coffee shop with us in it." "There's more to learn. We just have to find a way to learn it." "Why are you coming to me with this?" "Because you owe me. One word from me, and Damon and Stefan could have killed you for kidnapping me." "Or maybe it's because you know that they wouldn't want you doing this. And their moonstone caper gives you a chance to sneak away." "We're having a disagreement, okay? They're willing to risk everyone that I love and I'm not." "They're just trying to protect you." "And you've proven that you couldn't care less whether I'm protected or not. So, we're back to you taking me to Slater." Rose sits down on the couch next to Elena, Julia sits on Rose's lap. "What exactly do you hope to achieve by this?" "How would you like to be able to walk during the daylight?" "I've been a slave to shadows for 500 years, what do you think?" "I think I know a witch who's willing to do whatever it takes to help, if you're willing to make a deal." Julia smiles "I'm coming. Don't try and make me stay here." Rose smiles at Julia and takes her hat off. "Don't cover them when you are with people who know. They are part of you. Don't be ashamed or worried." Julia smiles and starts purring as Rose strokes her ears.

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