Chapter 17

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to AlyssaHandley and her amazing support and comments. This chapter will be based on an idea that she gave me. If anyone has any ideas please message me and I'll have a look.

Damon arrives back at the Boarding House and gets Julia out the back of the car. "Come on Little One. Let's get you upstairs." he says softly carrying her to his room. He lays her on the bed and goes to get a glass of water for when she wakes up. He sits on the bed next to her and keeps an eye on her. Around an hour later Julia still hadn't woken up and Damon was pacing his room listening to her heartbeat and breathing while he does so. Suddenly her heat beat speeds up and her breathing quickens. He rushes to her side as she starts having a seizure "STEFAN!" he shouts. Stefan runs in and helps him hold her down. "What happened?" "She overused her abilities when she hadn't trained properly." "What abilities?" "She's a banshee. You and Elena would know if you paid attention. Now just help me with her!" Damon pleads. Stefan looks at his brother shocked by his tone and sincerity before nodding. Soon she stops her seizure causing Damon to listen to her breathing and heartbeat "Stefan call and Ambulance she's not breathing." Damon tilts her head and gives her rescue breaths "Come On Little One. Breathe for me. Please I can't loose you aswell. You've become a daughter to me. Just please breathe." Damon tells her tears starting to pour over and down his cheeks. He listens for her heartbeat but doesn't hear anything from her. "No no no. Don't do this to me." he start doing cpr on her as Stefan walks in with the paramedics behind him. "What happened?" they ask him. "I-I don't know she passed out and then started having a seizure." he tells them. They quickly get her to the ambulance and head to the hospital Damon and Stefan following in Damon's car. "Elena. It's Stefan. You have to get Jenna and Jeremy to the hospital. It's Julia just get there." they carry on driving. "Call Tyler. She trust him." Damon says to Stefan who nods "Tyler? It's Stefan. Julia gave Damon your number incase of emergency. This is one you need to get to the hospital."

They arrive at the hospital and meet Elena, Jenna, Jeremy and Tyler outside. "What happened?" Jeremy asks. "I don't know she just fainted then started having a seizure. I-I just... I-I..." Damon cuts off crying and Jenna hugs him Jeremy hugging Elena. As they pulled away they all walked into the reception, walking up to the desk. "Julia Gilbert." Jenna says. "She's in the ER at the minute. As soon as she's stable you can see her." the lady says. "You can go to the relatives room while you wait." "Thank you." They all head to the relatives room. After a couple of hours a doctor comes into the room. "Family of Julia Gilbert?" he asks. "Yeah that's us." Jeremy tells him. "She's had a nasty seizure and it's caused her to slip into a coma. We aren't sure how long she'll be in it." he explains. While Jenna, Jeremy and Tyler take in the news Damon walks up to him. "We can come anytime we want and stay as long as we want." he compels him. "As I was saying you all may come when you want and stay as long as you want." the doctor repeats to everyone. "She's in room 207."

Walking in Damon stopped at how fragile she looked. She had a breathing tube and lots of wires surrounding her. He walked up and sat in the spare seat between Jeremy and Stefan. After a while Jenna took the boys home leaving just Stefan and Elena with them. Damon hadnt said a word since he compelled the doctor. "Damon? Do you want anything?" Stefan asks his brother who shakes his head in response. "Has he ever been like this before?" Elena asks Stefan "Once but its his story to tell." he tells her as they leave the room to get a drink. Damon sighs and thinks about Amelie and how he sat like this days on end hoping she would get better. After a few minutes Stefan stands by the door with Elena with Damon not realising. "Listen hear Little One. You're going to get through this. You know how I know. Because you're a fighter and you aren't going to let this take you down." he says as he stroke her arm with the bracelet on. "You have become like my daughter. Just like Amelie did and I can't loose you both okay. So I need you to wake up." Stefan then walks in and hugs his older brother "I miss her aswell. Everyday. She became my neice." Stefan tells Damon as he cries into Stefan's shirt. "I can't loose Julia aswell." Damon tells his brother as they pull away. "You won't. Like you said she's a fighter." Stefan walks over to Elena as Damon hold Julia's hand and falls asleep in the chair.

A few days go by and Damon hadn't left the hospital. "I'm not leaving til Julia does." he tells Stefan and Elena. "You need to though." Elena says. "Why's that?" "Because we need your help." "Really and where we're you when Julia needed her Big sister. Or when she got choked by Anna. Oh and the decades dance where you ignored her til she was nearly bleeding out. She has needed you so much and you haven't been there for her. So why should I help you?" Damon tells her sharply. "Stefan she trusted you until you killed Vicki in front of her and started ignoring her and giving Elena all your attention. When was the last time you did something with her, just her to make sure she felt included and wanted?" he starts on Stefan. He sits back down and holds Julia's hand. A couple of second later he feels her squeeze it "Julia?" he asks he gets a squeeze again. "Get a doctor she's waking up." he tells Stefan. Soon Julia is awake and smiling. "Hey Little One. How you doing?" "Better, it was weird I could feel and hear everything but I couldn't do anything." "So that means..." "Yes I heard you and I see you as my dad. I'm going to ask Jenna if I can move in with you as I feel like she's too stretched with work and then Elena and Jeremy." she tells him. He smiles "You can on one condition. We have two meals a week together and you text or ring everyday." they hear Jenna say from the door. "Really?" she asks her Aunt. "Yeah I've been thinking it would be easier on you aswell. Just make sure you talk to Jeremy everyday and try and see him." "I will Jenna thank you."

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