Chapter 113

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Julia drinks her smoothie as Stefan explains what happened after she left last night "So Alaric is human again?" she asks

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Julia drinks her smoothie as Stefan explains what happened after she left last night "So Alaric is human again?" she asks. "Yeah." he nods, sitting next to her. Julia rubs her temples "I'm too hung over to be dealing with this shit." she sighs. Stefan opens his arms making her climb onto his lap and curl into him "How you holding up?" he asks. Julia shrugs "It feels like part of me is missing." she responds. "Any leads on how to get him out?" Stefan frowns. "The last time I spoke to a member of his coven, they killed me. Finn and Elijah have gone to investigate this time, they're going call us if they find anything." Julia responds. "In the mean time, do you want to come and interrogate the guy who's been using the Mystic Falls border to kill vampires?" Stefan asks her. "I think i can fit that into my schedule... if you give me some of your blood to get rid of this hangover." Julia smiles. Stefan chuckles and bites his wrist, letting his blood drip into Julia's smoothie "Thank you ." Julia grins, pulling on her shoes as she drinks her smoothie.

Climbing out the car with her Uncle, smiling when she spots Matt "Matty!" she grins, running over and jumping into his arms. "Lee Lee!" Matt smiles, holding her close. "Aww, isn't this sweet. Where's my hug?" Enzo asks. "Enzo!" Julia smiles, hugging him. "Not that I'm not happy top see you, but why are you here?" Matt asks. "I need to let off some steam." Julia responds. "Why?" Matt frowns. "No one's told you?" Julia frowns. "Told me what?" Matt asks. "I'm also confused." Enzo cuts in. "When Bonnie sent Dad, Kol and I back... she trapped Kol and I's soulmate with her. He's been trapped there since '94 because his family hates him. I promised him that we'd go home together and Bonnie made me break that promise." Julia explains. "Why would he do that?" Matt asks. "Kai may have killed all but three of his siblings. Long story short, they hate him which made him feel unwanted and unloved. He ended up lashing out." Julia explains, walking into the warehouse with the others following. "Hello again. That was quite a mess you made at the border last night. Hit-and-run. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Good thing Matt here was in the neighborhood to give you a ride home." Enzo tells Tripp. "You brought me here?" Tripp asks Matt. "You went after my friends. What'd you expect?" Matt asks. "Your friends who kill people." Tripp tells him.

"Correction, you kill people. A lot of the vampires you have killed, haven't killed people. You see theres this thing called control, apparently you have none. Now, have you heard about the Original family? The Mikaelson's? Well, I've been taught a lot by them. Like how much blood a human can loose with out dying. Or how much pain they can tolerate before dying. You're going to answer our questions or I'll demonstrate." Julia smiles sweetly. "Come on, Enzo. Ask him what you want to know. Let's get this over with." Stefan tells him. "Stefan has already made a very passionate argument in favor of snapping your neck, whereas in a surprising role reversal, I've opted for the "let's think this through, get all the information before we kill him" method." Enzo tells Tripp. "Don't be a dick. You know, you can dry the vervain out of him, compel him to forget everything, and he'll never set foot in Mystic Falls again." Matt tells them.

"You don't really think he's a one-man vampire busting operation, do you? Look. While Tripp tortured me for the names of your friends, I had a front-row seat to quite a few urgent phone calls and visits from mysterious right-hand men, many of whom were wearing uniforms not dissimilar to the one you've been traipsing around in. I'd just like to know what they're up to while he's here with us." Enzo explains. Tripp doesn't say anything making Julia gab his hand a snap it backwards, a crack resonating round the room "Aah! Aah. They're doing the same thing they were when they were with me. They're tracking vampires like your friend Caroline Forbes." Tripp tells them. "Take two hours, get the names of his men and what they know. After that, he's a liability. Get rid of him." Stefan tells them. Julia smirks "Am i allowed free reign?" she asks. "As long as you get the names we need." Stefan tells her, kissing her head and walking out. Julia smirks "Oh, this'll be fun." she tells Tripp, Enzo smiling as Matt looks at her in concern.

After a while, Julia stands next to Enzo as he calls Caroline back "Tell me that Tripp is still alive." Caroline says as she picks up. "Tripp is still alive, surprisingly torture-resistant but alive." Enzo tells her. "What took you so long to answer your phone? Even Julia didn't pick up." Caroline tells him. "Our fingers were covered in blood, and the touchscreen wouldn't work." Enzo responds, Julia smirking slightly. "Just don't kill him, okay? One of his guys took my mom, so just keep your hands off of him so I can get her back, okay? Enzo, please." Caroline pleads. "We'll keep him alive Care. We'll get your mum back." Julia promises, walking back into the room with Enzo following. "Update. Tripp's henchmen kidnapped the sheriff of Mystic Falls." Enzo tells Matt. "What?" Matt asks. "It's a contingency plan in case anything ever happened to me." Tripp tells them. "That's your idea of being on the right side?" Matt asks as Enzo holds Julia back. "You can set the meet for the edge of town of Old Miller road. You can do the trade there. They know they'll be safe behind the border. And send Matt. They trust him." Tripp responds. "If I hadn't promised Caroline I wouldn't kill you, you'd be dead right now. Liz is a good person and doesn't deserve this." Julia growls, her eyes flashing. "Easy Love, we'll make sure he gets what he deserves." Enzo tells her, Julia nodding and calming down. "I'll go organise the drop." Matt tells them, walking out the room.

"I guess we should heal him." Enzo tells Julia. Smirking, Julia nods "I guess we should." she agrees. Enzo bites his wrist and puts it to Tripp's mouth, making his drink his blood. Julia picks up a knife "You know, no one messes with my family and gets away with it Tripp." she tells him, slicing his neck as Enzo steps back. "Remind me not to piss you off." Enzo tells her. Julia smiles "You have met my family right? I mean, you have been sleeping with Rebekah." she tells him. "I... uh..." Enzo stumbles over his words. "Please, I like it. Stefan has his eyes set on Caroline more than Rebekah now, Lexi, Rose and Vicki caught me up to date with everything." Julia smiles. "You don't care?" Enzo asks. "As long as you treat her right, no." Julia tells him, making him smile. Just then, Julia's phone rings "Hello?" she asks. "Hello Darling, how's everything going?" Kol asks. "Good, just been torturing a guy with Enzo. The guy's been killing vampires by taking them over the border, we may have killed him with Enzo's blood in his system." Julia responds. "Is it bad I'm sad i missed it?" Kol asks. "Not at all, in fact I'm sad you missed it. I bet i look good torturing him." Julia smirks, getting a low growl from Kol. "How long you going to be?" Kol asks her. "Not long, as soon as Caroline and Stefan pick him up Enzo and I are coming back." Julia's tells him. "Good." Kol tells her.

Julia leans against the wall as Caroline and Stefan walk in "Hello, gorgeous." Enzo smiles. "What did you do to him?" Caroline asks. "Oh, he's fine. Just a little blood loss. I think he may have an iron deficiency problem." Enzo responds. "Knock it off. Her mother's life is on the line." Stefan tells him. "Hang on. Just so I'm clear. All Caroline had to do to get you to treat her with a modicum of respect, is to stop paying attention to you. Is that how this works?" Enzo asks. "Shut up, Enzo. And did he really need 3 chains? I mean, who is this guy, the Hulk?" Caroline asks. "Well, I didn't restrain him." Stefan tells her. "No, but you let your sidekick Enzo do it because what could go wrong when you team up with your sworn enemy?" Caroline asks. "Oh. That's brilliant. Of course that's why she hates you. That's how you worked her into such a state in Savannah. That's why she told you to go take a leap. She hates you because she doesn't hate you at all. Also, if you must know. Julia did most of... this." Enzo says, motioning to Tripp. "He pissed me off and I was already angry to start with." Julia pipes up. Stefan and Caroline look over, Caroline's eyes widening at the amount of blood Julia is covered in "Julia-" Caroline starts. "Don't, I just want to go home to the only soulmate I can." Julia cuts her off, walking out. Caroline and Stefan watch her leave with sadness in her eyes "I'll make sure she gets home alright." Enzo says, following after Julia.

Walking into the house, Julia and Enzo are met by Kol and Klaus walking out the living room "Blimey, I'd hate to be the guy you tortured." Klaus smirks. Julia smiles "I learnt from the best." she responds. "I know, she also killed the guy." Enzo tells them. "Hm, slit his throat. Must have been painful." Julia mocks. "Shower?" Kol asks her. "If you're joining." Julia smiles. Kol smirks and picks her up, speeding upstairs to their room "I'm worried about her." Enzo tells Klaus. "We all are. Finn and Sage are in Richmond, trying to find a way to get Kai out the Prison World." Klaus responds. Enzo nods "I'm going for a shower of my own." he decides. "Bekah is in her room." Klaus smirks, walking back into the living room.

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