Chapter 11

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The next morning Julia wakes up cuddled up with Tyler. She smiles and snuggles closer feeling safe with him. He was another older brother to her and she trusted him. "I know your awake squirt." he tells her, she can hear the smile in his voice. "No I'm not." she says sleepily. "Oh well ill just have to go and eat the Waffles by myself." he says. She jumps up "Waffles!" she shouts running downstairs. Tyler laughs and follows behind. After a day of watching Disney films he takes her home. "Bye Squirt. Remember try with Jeremy." he tells her. She nods jumping out after kissing his cheek and running up to her house running in. Inside she sees Jeremy sketching at the dining room table. "Hey." she says quietly. "Hey Julia. Wait when did you decided to talk?" he exclaims. "I'm only talking to certain people" she tells him "You, Tyler, Jenna and Damon." she lists. Just then the doorbell rings and Jeremy gets up to answer it. A pizza delivery guy waits on the front porch. "Hey. It's gonna be $22." he says pulling the pizza out of the bag. "Elena, I need the money! Uh, here. Come in. Just put it on the table." Jeremy calls up the stairs before looking at the man. Jeremy walks back into the dining room as Elena comes down the stairs, retrieving the money from her wallet. "Hi. Um, keep the change." Elena says handing the money to Noah who takes it. Noah starts to walk backwards, out of the house. "Thanks. And you have yourself a good night." he says. Elena smiles and shuts the door.

The next day Julia goes with Jeremy to school. The bell rings signaling the end of class. Jeremy is packing up his stuff when a paper is thrown down onto his desk by Alaric. Jeremy looks down at the paper and picks it up. A giant red "A" is marked on the paper. Jeremy smiles, stunned by his grade. Julia smiles at her brother happy for him. "Surprised? It's a good essay. Your thoughts are clear, and your argument is well laid out. It's just, uh, you don't actually think there are vampires in Mystic Falls." Alaric asks Jeremy. Alaric sits down behind his desk. "No. I mean, I think statistically there's been more animal attacks, mysterious deaths, uh, people gone missing, more than any other place in the whole commonwealth of Virginia." Jeremy explains. "It's conjecture, but creative, which is why you got the "A." I just wouldn't get too, uh, caught up in the whole conspiracy theory of it all." "Ah, I won't." Jeremy gathers up his stuff, gets up, and starts to exit the room Julia following. "Oh, uh, Jeremy,the source that you cited for the 1860s info, uh, Johnathan Gilbert...?" "Oh, my ancestor's journal?" "I'd really like to see that sometime." "Really?" "A first-person account of the Civil War? That's like, uh, porn for a history teacher." Jeremy retrieves the journal from his backpack. "You think my essay's creative, wait till you get a load of this thing." Jeremy tosses the journal onto Alaric's desk. Alaric picks it up carefully. "Thank you." Jeremy nods and exits the room hold Julia's hand.

Later Jeremy is shooting pool with Julia watching while drawing, when Anna approaches him. "Hey. How'd it go?" Anna asks him. "What?" "The paper." "Oh. I got an "A." Thanks for the articles. They really helped." "Cool. So what'd he say about the vampires? Did he believe it?" "I don't even believe it. It's just a paper, Anna. Anyways, I, uh—I gotta get goin', come on Monkey." Jeremy gets up and walks around the pool table with Julia. Anna follows them. "Uh, hey, um...D-do you wanna do something later, maybe?" she asks "Uh, sorry. I'm stuck on punch duty at the school dance." "Oh. How'd you get stuck with that?" "Well, I'm failin' English, so I copped a plea." "Maybe, you know, tomorrow or something." Jeremy smiles and looks down. Anna catches on. "I'm being pushy again, aren't I? Heh." "Well, thanks for the help. I'll—I'll see you around." Jeremy grabs his backpack and leaves. Julia follows smiling at him "Not a word."

Jenna is dressed up in a cute '50s outfit cleaning up the living room. Julia is helping her. Elena walks in the room. "Spoke to the insurance company. Car's totaled. You can keep using mine for now." Jenna tells her. "So you're coming to the dance?" Elena asks. "Alaric asked me to help chaperone." Jenna walks around the couch and leans against it. Elena, not looking at her, picks up an apple and is about to take a bite, but turns around and looks accusingly at Jenna. "Why didn't you tell me, Jenna?" Jenna looks slightly startled by this sudden change of topic. "Your mom was gonna do it eventually. I never thought I'd have to." "If my mom were here right now and I asked, she'd tell me the truth." "Your dad was about to leave the office one night when this girl showed up. She was sixteen, a runaway, and about to give birth. He delivered her baby, and he gave her a place to stay, but a few days later, she disappeared. And there you were. Your parents were trying so hard to have a baby. I-it just wasn't happening. All Miranda ever wanted was to be a mom." "Well, why were my parents' names on the birth certificate?" "Your dad was a doctor, Elena. He took care of it. They didn't wanna lose you, so they kept it quiet, told as few people as possible, but if anyone ever wanted proof, they had documentation." "What else do you know about her? The girl?" "Just her name. Isobel."

The Story Of Julia (Previously Called The Youngest Gilbert)Where stories live. Discover now