Chapter 87

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(Still the same outfit)

Julia coughs as she wakes up "Julia!" Kol exclaims engulfing her in a hug. "Kol?" she questions before hugging him and bursting into tears. "Hey, what's wrong?" Kol asks her. "Elena, Bonnie and Jeremy. They daggered you and I couldn't stop them or get to you." Julia responds. Kol holds her close "I'm right here Darling." he tells her. "How long have I been out?" Julia asks, looking round and realising she's in her room at the Boarding House. "Nearly a whole day, I told you not to use those herbs with out me." Kol scolds. "It was the only way. Where's Nik, mum, dad, Ty and Care?" Julia asks, trying to change the subject. "Your mum is downstairs with Jason and Caroline. Nik, Tyler and your dad went after the others." Kol responds, kissing her head. Julia nods and leans into his chest "I love you." she tells him. "I love you too." Kol smiles.

After an hour or so Julia zones out "Julia? What's wrong Darling?" Kol asks

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After an hour or so Julia zones out "Julia? What's wrong Darling?" Kol asks. "No no no." Julia mumbles under her breath over and over again. "Julia, what is it?" Kol questions getting worried. Shaking he head Julia feels tears gathering in her eyes, Kol realises that it's her Banshee side "Darling, you need to scream." he tells her gently. "No no no." Julia keeps repeating, blood starting to trickle down from her nose. Andi and Caroline come rushing in "What's happening?" Caroline asks. "She needs to scream." Kol responds. "You mean someone's...?" Andi trails off as Kol nods. "Julia, scream!" Kol tells her. Julia let's out a sob "JEREMY!" she screams before breaking into sobs. Caroline puts a hand to her mouth letting Andi hug her and Kol holds onto his sobbing mate, tears falling fro his own eyes.

They all head to the Gilbert house where Julia goes up to Jeremy's room and looks round before falling to the floor with her body shaking in silent sobs, Kol runs upstairs and wraps his arms round her to help her to her feet "They've just got back. Come on, let's go see your dad first." he tells her. Julia nods and lets him take her outside where they find Damon and Stefan talking, they stop when they see Julia and Kol "Little One." Damon says. Julia sobs and runs into her father's embrace, letting him hold her and she cries "I got you Little One." he tells her. "How'd this happen?" Kol asks them. "It was Katherine. She must have been following us this whole time." Stefan responds. "What about the cure, or Silas?"Kol questions. "If there was anything in there at all, it's all gone." Stefan explains before looking at his niece "Elena is in there waiting for the Gilbert ring to bring Jeremy back to life." he adds. "Okay, fine. We'll wait with her." Damon nods. "Dad, Jeremy was one of the Five, a hunter. He's supernatural, the ring won't work anymore. Besides I already screamed, he's gone. He's gone and I wasn't there." Julia trails off into sobs. Damon looks at Kol and motions to Julia, nodding Kol takes Julia and walks her back inside "Elena's upstairs with Jeremy, she's in denial." Caroline says. "Stefan said." Kol nods. Julia walks over to the sofa and curls in on herself, Klaus watches her sadly and sits next to her letting her rest her head on his shoulder. Kol pulls out his phone as it buzzes "Finn, Sage, Matt and Elijah are on their way over." he tells them. Julia sniffles and feels tears begin to fall again,as she does Bonnie walks in "I know a way to bring him back." she says making everyone look at her.

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