Station of Terror, part IV

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"Aim toward the blue light," the Warrior shouted to the other plummeting Time Lords. Around them were the ruins of the flight deck of the Cruciform, the floors shoved aside and crumpled by the arrival of the Dalek flagship. Groups of severed and blasted three-foot-wide cables hung from them.

Below them was a blue glow. Just before they hit the ground, the energy field caught them and lowered them safely down to the floor.

A circle of about twenty Time Lord soldiers and technicians surrounded them. They switched off the shoebox sized, egg shaped device that had been projecting the field.

"Thanks," the Warrior said.
"You're welcome," replied the Captain. "Our fleets haven't gotten through yet, I'm afraid. There are still too many saucers surrounding us outside, and they're jamming all transmats to and from Gallifrey. We're on our own for a while."

"Then we'll have to fight our way to our TARDISes," the Warrior growled. "Have you located them?"

"Yes," the Captain replied, "They're in the Beta arm of the station, sector 13. It's about a mile from here. But there's still over a thousand Daleks guarding them. We took out many more than that when we arrived, but we've used up all our best weapons."

"How many troops do you have?"

"Just us, but there's about a hundred and seventy prisoners near the TARDISes."

"So that's just forty of us against over a thousand Daleks," said the young female TARDIS captain with the brown hair.

"We'll manage," said the Warrior. "What weapons do you have left?"

"Just our standard pistols and rifles, and a few anti-Dalek grenades."

"I have this," said the girl with the brown hair. She pulled out what appeared to be a glowing diamond on a chain.

"A Warp Star," the Warrior exclaimed. "Excellent! What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Preda. That will come in handy indeed. Now let's see exactly what we're up against."

"The passage is just behind that pile of rubble there," said the Captain, pointing in the direction. Only the top three or four feet of the passage were open; the rest was blocked by debris.

"A bottleneck," the Warrior said. "This won't be easy." He picked up a rifle from one of the many dead Gallifreyan soldiers nearby.

He walked over to the entrance to the passage and peeked over the rubble. He didn't see any Daleks, but there were several side passages that he couldn't see into.

"Hand me that," the Warrior said as he turned around and pointed to the egg-shaped anti-gravity device. "And that," pointing to the Warp Star.
After he was handed them, he broke open the antigrav device and used the sonic screwdriver to fuse the warp star inside of it.

"Now, follow me," the Warrior said, and charged down the passageway, rifle in one arm and his new improvised device in the other. The others followed him, but they soon heard voices.


Daleks came in from the surrounding hallways, enclosing them on all sides. A firefight broke out, but it was no use. The Time Lords were far too outnumbered and outgunned make a difference. Within a few seconds half of them were dead.

The Warrior dropped the rifle, whipped out the sonic screwdriver, and used it on the antigrav device. He pointed the device outward at the Daleks and turned it on. An intense blue light washed over the Daleks, who flew backwards at about a hundred miles an hour, crashing into each other and into walls. The remaining Time Lord soldiers fired on and destroyed many Daleks while they were still dazed and confused.

The Time Lords continued this way, suffering only five casualties, until they reached a room.

It was about the size of a football field. In the center of the room were the TARDISes. In one corner were the Time Lord prisoners, with a deadly energy field shimmering around them to prevent escape. Not that they'd have a chance anyway, though. The rest of the room was filled with over two hundred Daleks.


The Warrior saw that five Special Weapons Daleks had surrounded his TARDIS. Instead of having a gunstick and a manipulator arm on their midsections, they each had a single massive energy cannon instead.

The Warrior knew they weren't bluffing. Just one of those cannons was powerful enough to melt a skyscraper; five really could destroy a type-40 TARDIS.

He turned the modified antigrav device on and threw it in as hard as he could. The Warrior and the other Time Lords ducked into a side hallway as the device exploded in a brilliant flash of blue light, releasing all of the stored explosive energy of the warp star.

When they walked back in, they saw that their TARDISes were once again sitting in a crater, although this one was much smaller. The smoldering shells of Daleks were strewn everywhere. Unfortunately, none of the prisoners had survived.
Soon, the Warrior and Preda heard the sounds of thousands of TARDISes materializing on board to help them. With the aid of millions of Gallifreyan troops, they purged the Cruciform of all traces of the Daleks. Just a day later, they were leaving to report back to Gallifrey on the Warrior's first great success.

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